Going home

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*⚠️WARNING!⚠️ please make sure you have some tissues, a soft blanket, and a stuffed animal (because we all know we all still have at least one). It's gonna get sad. I want to make sure all of you are okay so if you are sensitive to or don't like the discussion of death or what happens after death, please dont read. I tried to make it as soft and fluffy as possible to try and not trigger anyone because I know death can be a hard topic. You have been warned, you may continue*

Time seemed to drag on and on for the slowly aging elf. Years and years Cassian spent on his own, trying to rule over the city his long deceased husband fought so hard to save. After a long while, after writing letters to burn and having comforting talks with the four remaining dawnbringers, cassian adopted an elvin child. An heiress to the throne of Mirrortail. Her name was Iris, she had deep purple hair, bright blue eyes like Vanden's, and a determined and adventurous spirit. Cassian, along with a little help from Sariel and Aroseia, raised her to be the perfectly imperfect to-be-queen that she was today. When boblem passed, it was heartbreaking. To see such a sweet and amazing person die was painful, but he crossed over to join his grandparents and the other dawnbringers.

It felt like a miracle when it was time for Cassian to take his last breath. So long he had been waiting to go. To cross over. When it came closer to time, Cassian was given a private room in the infirmary wing of the palace. Iris spent most of her time with Aroseia, learning to rule and fight. In Cassian's final days, he asked Arose to give Iris his sword when he passed and Vanden's sword when she passed. Of course Arose agreed to this. Iris came to visit every day, Arose and Sariel came to visit a lot too. Cassian made Arose and Sariel promise to continue to raise Iris, which they instantly agreed to.

Taking his last breath was like a sigh of relief for Cassian. After all these years, all the time he'd lived, all the shit he'd been through, it was time. He said his goodbyes and *finally* left this plain of existence for good.


In the blink of an eye the world around Cassian disappeared, in its place was a completely unfamiliar place. He could see he was on a beach, the stunning turquoise was lapping against his feet, the wet sand burying itself in-between his toes. The sky was a perfect sunset gradient and everything around shone with a beautiful golden dusting. He stood there for a while, looking out over the scene, breathing in the salty air. Over his shoulder, a voice shouts "Cassian?"

Without even turning, the elf can already tell its Elyse. He turns to face his blue haired friend, "Hello again Elyse"

Elyse turns and shouts over her shoulder, "Guys, i found him! He's over here!" She waves a hand in the air, signaling to the others. Over a small sand dune crests the five familiar figures of Astra, Boblem, Aerenthius, Jocelyn, and Phesta, all running towards his at top speed. Elyse turns around, beaming at Cassian, and gives him a hug. The other five arrive and give hugs and say hellos. Jocelyn hugs him last and when she does, she whispers in his ear, "He's waiting for you."

"Well, don't all of you look fantastic." Cassian said. And they did, all of them looked just like they did in the first year if the dawnbringers. Not a wrinkle in sight. They all looked young again.

"As do you!" Jocelyn replied, "Now if you would be so kind as to follow me, I think he may be getting slightly impatient. You know how he is."

Cassian nods and the two of them set off, the rest if the group trailing slightly behind. Over a few sand dunes and a couple soft grassy hills, there sat a small town. Each house specially designed for its inhabitants. In the center of the town was this beautiful garden with a few benches and a small pond with little fishies in it and flowers growing everywhere *as you would expect, it is a garden after all*

Jocelyn stopped a little ways away from the shrubbery archway that led inside. "He's waiting in there." She said, pointing to the garden. Cassian steps into the garden, looking around. Immediately he spots the head of messy ginger hair crouched by the water, watching the fish. Vanden looks up and blues eyes meet amber ones, both shining with tears, "Well you took your sweet ass time, didn't you dear."

"Hello to you too love." Vanden gets up from his place at the waters edge and walks over to Cassian, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much, you know that?" Vanden asked, his voice slightly muffled from being buried in Cassian shoulder.

"I missed you too, more than you'll ever know. You know what's weird? Dying wasn't all that bad. It wasn't... it didn't feel like i was leaving. It just felt like i was coming home after a really long day."

Vanden kissed him and smiled, "Yes, welcome home"


Years and years later, Sariel appeared in the woods. She was welcomed with open arms, lots of tears, and a "welcome home." Now they just had to wait for one more.


After about 150~200 years, the last dawnbringer finally arrived. On a bloody battlefield no less. Both swords clutched in her hands, Aroseia looked around for any sign of... well anything really. Moments later, Jocelyn stumbled upon her. Both swords clattered to the ground as Aroseia ran towards Jocelyn. A long hug and kiss later, Jocelyn finally looks Aroseia up and down. "You know, you survived a lot longer than I thought you would." Jocelyn says lovingly.

"Oh wow, such confidence in me. Thanks." Arose replies, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Jocelyn steps back and puts a hand on her hip. "I cant tell if you're being serious or not."

Arose rolls her eyes and smiles, tears freely falling down her face at this point. Vanden, Cassian, Astra, Boblem, Elyse, Sariel, Aerenthius, Phesta, and Shadow crest over the next hill, see the two of them, and come hurtling down towards them. Shadow gets there first and tackles Aroseia to the ground. *Idk if I've actually mentioned this before but Aroseia has a black dragon named Shadow. She's about the size of full grown great dane in her usual form, she can grow into a full sized dragon with a wing span of over 60 feet or shrink down to the size of cat* Vanden helps her up off the ground and pulls her into a hug. After many many hugs, vanden finally says, "Welcome home, we missed you."

*oh my gods, you guys im dying. I wasnt lying when I said I was going to be crying. 1064 words of me slowly killing myself. My entire soul hurts right now. Im so sorry for this, but I warned you last chapter! Even though it my not seem like it because I hurt you like this on purpose, I still love the living shit out of you guys and I hope you are all doing well. I'll see you soon! Goodbye for now loves!

---Alex C. ❤*

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