Roses pt. 1

56 3 14

Looking in the mirror, Vanden grimaces. He wears a tight black shirt under a maroon coat, that is longer in the back than in the front, a pair of highwaisted pressed white dress pants, and polished black leather shoes. He also wears a white tie with gold leaves embroidered around the edges and a deep marine blue sash, that fades to black at the bottom, across him. Vanden's half done, ginger hair lays across his shoulders as a familiar figure stands behind him. His many freckles give the pale skin on his face and arms the illusion of a tan and his stunningly blue eyes seem even brighter than usual. "I always hated looking formal, you know that!" He says, turning to face Jocelyn. "You look great Van, now stop complaining and turn back around so I can finish you hair!" She says in a clipped tone, though the prince knows she's not serious because she is beaming at him. Vanden rolls his eyes and is about to turn back around to give Joss access to his hair again when the door opens. Elyse and Astra, 2 of his best friends and former party members, walk in. "Hey guys, you made it" Vanden says, trying very hard to keep the emotion out of his voice. "Wouldn't miss it for the world" Astra says, tears filling his eyes. Elyse's eyes shin with pride as she says, "Nor would I, your Highness."

"Don't tease him Elyse, today is important" Astra says quickly

"Thank you, Astra." Vanden replies

"What's an important day without a little teasing?" Elyse says, a glint of mischief in her eye.

"You both clean up very well" Jocelyn say, quickly and effectively changing the subject. "You do" Vanden agrees. Elyse is wearing a flowy black dress with red and blue accents and black heels. Astra wears a white shirt with warm brown dress pants and a pair of brown boots. Both outfits probably made by the palace tailors since Cassian and his family weren't allowed to make or have any input into the other's outfits. Astra, as always, is wearing his many necklaces and Elyse has her shrunken arcane focus tied around her neck, the same way she had it at the ball in Shadeborn so many years ago. Each of them holds a flat black box in their hands, Elyse's a lot smaller than Astra's. "What do you two have?" Vanden asks. They both step forward and offer him the boxes. He takes Astra's first and opens it. Inside, lying on a fluffy white material, is a gold beaded necklace with a dark silver charm of a seashell in the middle. The captain walks forward and takes the necklace out of the box and clasps it around Vanden's neck. Its very short and sits comfortably on his collarbone. The metal charm is very cold against his skin. He then takes the second box from Elyse and opens it too. Inside, lying on that same fluffy white cotten-like material, is a hairpin made to look like the Dawnbringers emblem.

The memory of standing on that balcony, in front of a huge crowd in Shadeborn and being announced for the first time as the Dawnbringers, flashes across his brain. The prince feels the prickling of tears on his waterline but fights to keep them from falling. Jocelyn motions for him to turn around so she can finish his hair and put the hairpin in. He does as he's told but before he does, Vanden notices that Elyse has a gold chain bracelet with the Dawnbringers emblem on it on her wrist and one of Astra's necklaces has a pendent of the same emblem. He imagines that Sariel, Boblem, and maybe even Cassian might be wearing it somewhere on their outfits.

Jocelyn finishes the very intricate half up, half down hairstyle that she had been working on and puts the hairpin in place. It looks sufficiently fancy. She then straightens his jacket and nods to herself. "I think you are done, my good sir." She says before looking at the other two. They both nods and voice their agreement. "Well then, let's go!" She says before gesturing to the door.

They walk through the silent corridors of the palace, shoes clicking on the tile floors. A few short minutes later, they arrive at an outdoor garden area. Two familiar, red-skinned figures stand waiting outside a large shrubbery archway with a thin white vail covering the entrance. Elyse's wife, Phesta, takes her arm and Astra's boyfriend, Aerenthias, takes his. Phesta wears a knee length smoky black dress and Aerenthias wears a simple black tuxedo. Elyse and Phesta walk in first and, after a few seconds, Astra and Aerenthias follow. Jocelyn offers her arm out to Vanden, who takes it rather hesitantly.

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