The Slip Up - Vanden's POV

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Keeping secrets is hard. Everyone's bound to slip up at some point. This is the story of how I slipped up big time.

All 6 of us sit around the table in the war room, planning out stakeouts for the next couple shifts. I have maybe 50 pages scattered in a semi-circle around me on the table. Time tables, lists, plans, maps, and other things are all written on these pages. I study one of the many maps we drew, making mental notes to add to it later. It was getting pretty late, around 9-ish, when Cassian and Sariel got up to leave for first shift. "Well, we best be off if we're gonna make it on time Sariel." Cassian says as he stands up from the table. Sariel stands as well and they make their way towards the door. Before they leave, I absentmindedly stand up as well. Cassian turns to me and raises and eyebrow. Im so focused on the map that I don't notice this. I walk over to Cassian and place my hand on his shoulder. I don't actually look at him, I still study the map in my hands with a ferrowed brow. I say, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Be safe, don't die, come back around 11 or 12-ish. Love you." Everyone, including Cassian, looks at me like I've lost my damn mind. I still don't notice this as I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek. I go and sit back down in my seat. I take a quill and start scratching out routes. "Um... Van?" Cassian says, very concerned. I hum at him to let him know I'm listening. "Look around" he says. I finally look away from my piece of paper and up to Cassian. My eyes slowly travel around to meet everyone else's in the room. Cassian looks scared, Astra looks concerned, Boblem looks utterly flabbergasted, Elyse looks oddly proud, and Sariel looks completely unfazed. Shit. I feel my face go slightly pink as I realize what I've just done. I force myself to keep a straight face. "Well, I'm gonna go get a cinnamon roll from the kitchen." I say calmly "Sariel? Cassian? Would you like one before you leave?" They both shake their heads and turn on their heel to leave. I walk out with them. "Actually Sariel, you wait here. I think I am going to go get a cinnamon roll after all." Cassian pipes up. Cassian and I walk downstairs to the kitchens. He turns to look at me and crosses his arms expectently. I punch the wall, extremely hard. "Shit" I say. It takes all my will power not to scream it. "Well, I meant what I said before anyway. Come back alive, please?" I say as I turn to look at him. His glare softens and opens his arms slightly. I walk into him and he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "Of course, anything you, love." I roll my eyes at the use of that pet name but smile all the same. "Did you actually want a cinnamon roll?" I ask, already knowing (and dreading) the answer. Cassian smirks at me, "You are my cinnamon roll!" "Cas, I hate you" I say. He starts to walk away from me. "Love you too dearest" he says over his shoulder. Why do I love that man? No one knows. I sigh and retire to my room to wait for my inevitable doom. It does come but not nearly as quickly as I expected it too. Meanwhile, back in the war room, Elyse is trying to explain to Boblem and Astra what just happened but gives up relatively quickly when she realizes that they're not exactly getting it. "Let's just go back to planning, shall we?" She says, exaperatedly.

*Hi hi, author here. Sorry this one was short and crappy. :( Sorry to disappoint. I'm not really happy with it either, might just rewrite the whole thing but knowing me, it'll come out worse if I do. But I mean hey, cut me some slack! I posted 3 chapters today because it's only the start of this little book, isn't it? 'sigh' oh well. Sorry again. See ya
  --Author out*

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