Chapter 5

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Jason's POV (finally)

When I finished playing video games with Tim, I went to go watch the news lounging on the couch. It was boring for the most part, but then, I saw something I didn't expect, someone I thought I would never be able to see again. Marinette was on the news. My Marinette, that Marinette, was on the news wearing my jacket. It was a video of her getting mad at Joker, and her becoming his 'honorary niece'. If you were to ask me, I would say it was stupid. I thought she was dead. When I came back, I went looking all around Gotham, but couldn't find her anywhere. Now, here she is: on the news. I went to the bat cave to get my guns, but Bruce was there and he was angry. "Where were you?"

"Sorry, Bruce. I didn't know, punish me later. I have to go, now."

"No, now were going on patrol."

I guess I'll have to show her who I am, then. I got my suit on and left. "I want to go on my own tonight, Bats. So, don't partner me up with anyone." Bruce nodded and I left. Where would she be? Should I check the park? That's where she was last. If she's not there, I'll just look for her at all of the hotels.

Meanwhile- 3rd Person

Marinette and Chloe were just lounging in the old building, playing on their phones, waiting for sleep to consume them. Until, Marinette gets a notification her phone. It was an akuma alert. Hawkmoth had struck again. Ms. Mendaleive was akumatized again due to Lila and her lies. She is the only teacher that believes Marinette and Chloe. "Chloe, I can take care of her on my own. You stay here and guard the Miracle Box." Said girl nodded and Marinette went over to the Ladybug themed sphere. She pulled out the horse miraculous and turned into Ladybug. Marinette opened a portal and leaped through.

Meanwhile (again)- Jason's POV

I've been to all of the hotels and looked in every room. Some of the things I saw, I wish I didn't, but now I don't know where to look. THINK! Where would Marinette be? Then it came to me. "Why am I so dumb?" I asked myself out loud. I got to the old abandoned building that we grew up in. I made sure my com was off and I went in. There was a girl with blonde hair, and she looked mad. Wait...isn't that the girl that was with Marinette on the news? My eyes widened. "Is Marinette here?" I asked, barely able to keep my voice from cracking.

"Who are you?"

"Red Hood. Do you know where Marinette is?" I asked again.

"She stepped out for a bit. Why are you here?"

I didn't make eye contact with her and said, "I'm a friend. I thought she was dead. Then...then I saw her on the news and thought maybe she came here. Guess I'm in the right place."

"You need to go," she told me in a hurry.

"Not until I see her," I said in the same tone.

"You don't understand, you can't-" she was cut off by a portal opening in the middle of the room.

"Tikki needs her food Chlo. You weren't there to help me, so it took longer than expected," a girl in a ladybug designed suit said. "Spots off." Right then, she noticed me standing there, and her suit disappeared showing Marinette. Her surprise turned into anger a second later. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?!" she said. The next thing I know, I'm on the ground and a knife is up to my throat.

"Chill, Pixie. What's this all about?"

All of a sudden, her hands turn shaky and she dropped the knife. She gets up and her whole body starts to shake. "Jay-jay?" she says so it's barely audible. Then she turns angry, "That is cruel, doing that. Who are you? Jay died when I was nine!" She turns to look at her friend. "Chloe, can you leave for a second? Please?" she nodded and left out the door. She turned back to me. "Why are you here? And who are you? If you don't tell me in the next ten seconds, I'll put this bullet in your leg," she said, holding up a gun.

"I see I taught you well, pixie-pop," he says. "I did die, but I'm alive now." He then pulls off his helmet and Marinette stumbles back.

"H-how?" She started to cry some and Jason went over to comfort her. Tears were now running uncontrollably down her cheeks as the two reunited siblings were in each other's embrace. The two stayed that way for a good three minutes until an impatient Chloe came in, worried that Red Hood hurt her friend. Marinette saw her before she could get a good look at Jason and separated from her brother. He looked confused for a minute, and Marinette handed him his helmet. "Chloe's behind you. You might want to put this on before she sees your face," she whispered. He complied and placed the helmet on his head. "Love ya, Jay."

"Love you too, Pixie-pop....but what should we tell your friend? She looks curious."

Luckily, Chloe was out of earshot. "She's good at keeping secrets. Y'know, she has a secret identity too. She's my partner. My old partner turned out to be a pain in the a-"

"Pixie!" he whisper-yelled.

"WHaT? Your the one who taught me that language before I could walk!" I said in the same tone.

He smirked, "I guess I really was a good big brother after all. Look how you turned out."

"Whatever. Are we gonna tell Chloe about you being Jason, or not?"

"I'm good with it if you are." She nodded and motioned Chloe over.

"Also, Jay-jay. How are you even alive?"

"Long story for another day."

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