Chapter 6

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Marinette's POV

"So, Marinette. Who's this?" Chloe said.

Jason took his helmet off and Chloe still didn't recognize him. "This is my brother, Jason."

Chloe looked confused for a minute. "Didn't you say he..." she awkwardly coughed.

"Yeah, I did. But, I sorta kinda, came back to life...speaking of 'life', bats is gonna kill me. I have to go, they're probably freaking out," he rambled.

"Jason, come back tomorrow at this time, okay? I want to know what happened," I looked at him with pleading eyes. He nodded and went out the door...what was left of it, at least.

When he was gone, Chloe looked at me, "I'm confused," she said.

"Yeah, me too. The thing is, I watched him die. And it's not like I saw him for a split second, I cried over him until the police pried me off." Chloe shrugged and we both fell asleep on the floor, the kwamis nestled up in our hair.

3rd Person

When Marinette woke up the next day, she received a text from a mysterious number. It said:

Hey, is this Marinette?

It depends, is this Damian?

Yes. But I have a question. Why did you leave like that? Didn't you want to meet Batman?


Why not?

His outfit is terrible. Same with the guy in blue. You know what? If you ever meet them again, give them my number and tell them to call me. I could come up with way better designs. Lol

When Damian received the text he blushed and playfully rolled his eyes. The outfits aren't that bad. "What is this girl doing to me?" he asked to no one in particular. Then, Jason walked into the room and sat on the couch. "Todd, what does 'lol' mean?"

Jason looked at him, eyes wide. "...Laugh out loud...did demon spawn just ask me something he doesn't know?" Damian scoffed and turned back to his phone.

There not that bad, Marinette.

I'm serious! It's like a blind man picked out the outfits! There terrible!

Damian chuckled. She uses so many exclamation marks. Jason's head snapped to him. "Did you just laugh, demon-spawn?" He said, "...wait, is it a girl?"

"Shut up, Todd," Damian said, then turned back to his phone, but it wasn't there. Instead, it was in Jason's hands. "I will only ask once. Give. It. Back."

"Nope," Jason said, popping the 'p'. Damian's calm eyes turned into ones of panic. Jason got up and ran towards his room. "Catch me if you can, Demon-spawn!" he screamed out as he was about three feet from the door. He ran in and locked it.

Hey, this is Damian's brother. I stole his phone. May I ask who he's texting?

I don't think Damian will be happy that you stole his phone.

Your avoiding the question. Are you his secret girlfriend or something?

No, we just met!

So what's his future girlfriend's name?

If your referring to me, my name is Marinette.

Your name is Marinette? My sister has the same name. Lol.

Anymore brothers of Damian's I don't know about?

Only two more...

The four boys, huh? So what's your name?




Your Jason Todd, aren't you?


Incoming Call:

Answer. Decline.

Jason was confused, but he picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"So I'm guessing your dad is Batman, Jason."

"What the f-" he cut himself off and loud thuds were heard in the background. Damian was trying to knock the door down.

"TODD! I WILL KILL YOU! GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" he said once the door was on the floor.

Jason turned slowly, the most murderous look on his face. "Goodbye, Marinette. I'll talk to you later," he said, not waiting for a response. He hung up the phone and handed it to Damian. "Damian. Do you know who that is?" he asked slowly.

"What do you mean, Todd? And you are NOT talking to her 'later'," Damian responded, shaken by the expression on his brother's face.

"I mean," he said with distaste, "that is my sister!....And I know you like like her!" Damian wore an expression that would be mixed between shocked and apologetic. All of a sudden, Damian broke into a sprint towards Alfred. He's the only one that can get Jason to calm down.

The chase was filled with a lot of cursing from Jason. Damian was running like his life depended on it, which it did, and could not find Alfred anywhere. So, he started to call out for him, "ALFRED! ALFRED!" 'Geez,' he thought, 'where is that man when you need him?'

815 Words
Ok, so that was my shortest chapter yet, but I thought that would be a good place to leave off. Constructive criticism is always encouraged, and so are ideas for later on in the book! Please comment your thoughts, I LOVE reading them.

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