Chapter 14

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Ok, I just wanted to say, that there is a lot of happy Damian in this chapter. This chapter is when my favorite ship gets together! (Daminette obviously) So, yeah.

Marinette's POV

"Hey," I said, as Damian's eyes were starring into my soul. I wanted to curl up and die because of the embarrassment. I was already fighting back tears.

He slowly took a seat beside me. "Are you disappointed?" he asked me, and my face quickly morphed into shock. It didn't go unnoticed. "You don't have to answer, I guess. I just couldn't fall asleep last night and....I thought you were....disappointed because, you know, ice prince."

He looked really upset. "No! I thought you were disappointed. I mean, we only met a few days ago. And I thought you would be freaked out that a stranger was your soulmate, or whatever," I said, getting quieter by the word. "It's just, you froze, and I was embarrassed that you didn't like I just sorta...ran."

"Wait..." He suddenly let out a sigh of what I can only guess is relief. Then he let out a huge smile, and that made me want to smile even wider (that I found nearly impossible). Then, those smiles turned into laughter, then the laughter turned into hysterical laughter. That lead to rolling on the floor, not even knowing why we were laughing in the first place.

Bruce came into the room, and he jumped a foot into the air. "What is happening?!" he yelled. "Damian, what's wrong?! Are you ok?!" That lead to more laughter. "Was it the Joker?! I thought Marinette was under his protection!" We laughed even harder. "Ok, I'm calling an ambulance," he picked up the phone, and dialed the three digit number.

That is when it had to stop. "B-Bruce! No," I laughed. He set the phone down. I turned to Damian, "Why are we even laughing in the first place?" I ask him. The laughing reduced, so it was just chuckles. Damian shrugged. Then we started to laugh again, and Bruce just left the room, shaking his head, not knowing what to think.

After the unhealthy amount of laughter ceased, Damian and I looked at each other in the eye. "I'm sorry for running away from you last night. That wasn't very cool of me," I said looking down.

He brushed it off, "It's ok. You needed your space."

I nodded. "I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I'm glad I left when I did. I was fifteen minutes late for an akuma attack."

"Was it bad?"

"Nothing worse than I'm used to..." I said sadly, trying to sound upbeat. He saw right through me. No wonder he was my soulmate or whatever. The word still sounds weird to me. Like from a movie or something, and I'm just coping the characters.

Damian frowned, "Do you want to talk about it?" I nodded. "Come on," he said, as I followed him to the living room.

"Thank you, Damian."

"What are soulmates for?" he asked rhetorically. I chuckled lightly.

Time Skip- Still Marinette's POV

After our talk, we cuddled up on the couch. "Mari?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled, "Yes," I said, short and simple, as I cuddled up into him.

That's when Jason came in, and he was not happy. He just walked in to see us both together on the couch. "No, Demon-spawn! No! Not with Pixie!" he yelled as he was prying me off of Damian.

"Jay! What are you doing?!"

"Getting Demon-spawn's claws off of you!"'

"Calm down, Jay! He's m-my b-boyfriend," I said. That was the first time I said it out loud. I blushed like crazy, and I think Damian did too. Then.....

Jason fainted.

"OMG! Jason!" I said as I rushed over to him. He was out cold. Damian looked like he was about to laugh, but my glare stopped him. "Well? Help me!" We hulled him onto the couch, and he didn't even move. "Jason," I said, shaking his shoulder. "Jay-jay, wake up." He still didn't move. "We're going to have to wait for him to wake up," I told Damian. He groaned, and I glared at him again.

"Sorry, Angel." I still glared. Then I stood up, walked over to him, and looked him in the eye. You could see the fear in his eyes. Then, I did something he wasn't expecting. I pecked him on the lips. I pulled away, and smirked.

"Now, stop being mean about Jason fainting," I whispered so he could barely hear. He nodded, and I turned on my heal to leave, but something, or someone, stopped me. Damian spun me around, and the moments after that....well, I'm not going to say. But I will tell you, they were the best moments of my life so far.

He let me go, and looked at me. 'Don't blush, don't blush, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no, don't do it!' I thought. Then, Damian smirked, 'Crap.' "Fine, well, you're the only one that can make me blush...yeah, I know why you're all like 'Smirk, smirk'."

He chuckled, "So...I'm pretty sure Alfred's away, so do you want to make something to eat with me?"

"Sure," I said, totally forgetting that Jason is on the couch. We walked off in the direction of the kitchen. "So, what are we going to make, Dami?"

"Whatever you want," he told me and I smirked.

"Well, I spent a lot of time working in the best bakery in Paris. Wang, my grandfather figure, suggested I go out and make at least a few friends."

"SO, what is your favorite thing to make?"

"I don't know. Macaroons, Croissants, Bread, Cookies, I like to make all kinds of things. But my favorite thing for breakfast, is probably a chocolate filled croissants."

"We'll make those then," he said smiling.

Letter: E

Words: 1004

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