For Now

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Elaborate silver banners hung on the green stone walls. Lanterns lingered at the end of ornate chains casting light into a familiar emerald room. Under Frin's head was a soft fabric, which also covered her entire body. Somehow she was home.

Pulling herself out of bed, the first thing she noticed was the intense soreness. Every muscle in her body quietly protested at the movement. Her bare feet hit the floor, greeted by the familiar chill of the mountain. It was a small reassuring comfort. Pulling herself into a standing position, Frin realised she didn't have any pain. Hesitantly, she pulled up the fine silk tunic she wore to take a peek at her ribs.

There was a long, gnarled scab extending behind her. Carefully she ran her fingers over the spot and was surprised it wasn't sore to touch. Mildly confused and simultaneously thankful she elected to dress and start the day.

In the corner sat a large chest filled with all of her garments. As she rummaged through she began to adorn herself with a simple silk tunic and riding trousers. After fully clothing herself and fastening her leather boots, she pulled out a long sliver robe and draped it over her shoulders. The robe was long enough to drag behind her but was still easy to move. Frin enjoyed it. It made her feel powerful, elegant and connected her to her elvish heritage.

Exiting her chambers, she entered a small hallway and descended the steps to the family drawing room. There sitting in their usual spots where her parents, who instantly stood when she entered.

"My dear," her mother approached. "I am glad you are awake." She gave her a soft hug and led her to an armchair near the fireplace.

"Frin," her father voice called from across the room. "You're awake so if you feel ready you will need to go to the King today."

"What?" Frin exclaimed, confused. "Sorry Father, I'm confused. How long have I been asleep?"

"A few days." Her mother answered.

"And what time is it?"

"It is just after sunrise." Da smiled.

"Right." Frin took a moment to pause. Her memories of the previous days were limited but she gathered Thorin had gotten her to her mother. "Why do I need to go to the King today?"

"That my dear is uncertain," her father stood to his feet. "The King asked to see you when you are recovered." He crossed the room and grabbed a plate full of bread and cheese. "Eat, then we will go."

"My love," her mother's voice was firmer than usual. "She is only just awake, perhaps wait one more day."

"If the King..." He went to respond but Frin interrupted.

"It's alright, I am well." Frin smiled, taking a bite of bread.

"Good," her father clapped his hands together. "I'll be in my study. When you are ready my dear come and fetch me."

Frin gave him a smile before diving into the food in front of her. It wasn't until the first bit hit her stomach did she realize how hungry she was. A few pieces of bread, cheese and some fruit her mother brought her later, Frin rose from her chair. The morning was growing late and they needed to visit the King.

Her father's study was small but the walls were lined with parchment, a lone raven sat on his perch watching as he wrote. Sitting at the large stone desk was her father, clearly writing some letter to be sent to a distant land. Frin waited until he was finished, tied the message on the bird and stood.

Silently, he took the creature onto his forearm, then nodded for Frin to follow. Out of their home they walked onto the crowded street. People were heading to the market and the forges. Frin found an unusual beauty in the activity. Following her father closing, they moved through the crowd, who parted slightly for them. Once the distant light of the mountain's entrance came into view, he whispered to the raven, who urgently took off in the direction of the light.

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