Days & Nights

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The following day Frin heeded Thorin's words and refrained from wearing her usual armour. However, she did refuse to be unarmed. Hidden daggers, tucked into the back of her breaches, remained unseen by most under the formal flowing robes. It wasn't until Thorin removed her robes hastily that evening did he become aware of how well protected she was.

That night's activities were more aggressive than the night before. The sight of her daggers had caused a surprising amount of aggression in the pair. Frin nipped at his neck and arms, while Thorin thrust aggressively into her. That evening she went home sore but pleased with the entire encounter. Smiling to herself she wondered if the following day would yield more of the same.

Over the following weeks, they fell into a rhythm, monotonous days and sensual nights. In public, Frin was one of Thorin's inner circle. Her new found status meant she was more recognizable, causing her to become aware of her own mannerisms and appearance. After the first week of her new duties, she became officially known as Frin, daughter of the mountain. Even though she was now privy to Thorin's thoughts she still spent most of her time standing watch over the dull proceedings of the royal court. She found it reassuring. She'd always felt more comfortable around dwarves and the recognition in her title and position was reassuring. Erebor was becoming a part of her, her home, more than it had ever been in the past.

A few weeks after her formal audience with the King, Frin and Thorin were walking through the mostly empty streets of Erebor. The sun outside had long since set. The winter winds brought a slight crispness to the air in the mountain. The only sound to be heard was the continuous beat of the forges bouncing off the mountain's walls, metallic tings and deep bellows.

It didn't take long for Frin to notice, Thorin enjoyed moving through the mountain when everyone else was asleep. She never asked him, but it seemed he could just be himself, a dwarf wandering the mountain at night with no duty or responsibility. When they wandered together within the mountain, the tension would leave his face, his body relaxed. It was in those moments she was able to see the tenderness in him. It was never surprising but always welcome.

Beside her Thorin hummed quietly to himself. His deep baritone was just a rumble in his chest. Occasionally, when they would come close to the mountains rough stone the deep vibrations would echo slightly around him. He would make a great bard in a different life.

"Have you ever been in the treasure hall?" He asked, breaking the comfortable silence. She could hear the smile in his voice. There was a slight tone of mischief placed within the pleasant question.

"No my Lord." Frin spoke formally, knowing they were still in a very public place. Unlike Thorin she never relaxed in the public spaces no matter what time it was. Her reputation and her family's honor were always at stake.

"Would you like to see the wealth of Erebor?" Thorin teased. He knew she wanted to see it, but his question was pushing her to openly show her interest.

"I do not need to see our people's wealth to know that it's there, my lord." She responded with a smirk. "Yet I do find myself curious." She relented.

"Follow me." He smiled at her before taking off at a brisk walk. Not far from the entrance to the royal quarter he ducked into a tight corridor. He led her through a maze of corridors and passageways. Each corner was an intersection with four options. Frin realized it would be easy for someone to get lost. She was amused by the simple and intelligent way to secure the wealth of the mountain. As they rounded one corner, the unmistakable light filled the distant doorway, outlining Thorin's dark silhouette.

When they emerged into the vast hall, Frin found herself completely overwhelmed. In front of her were endless piles of gold, silver, gems. An unmistakable golden light filled the vast halls. There were statues and art all made out of the finest materials. Everything was immaculately organised.

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