Two Worlds

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The corridor outside of Thorin's chamber was warmly lit, lined with a steady stream of torches. Golden flames danced against the stone's emerald tone. A guard stood outside of each door along the long pathway, the royal quarter of Erebor. In between every chamber the walls were carved with intricate murals. Some of these images showed great battles, other's grand alliances.

Despite having been to this part of the mountain many times with Thorin, Frin still found herself standing in awe of the fine stone work around her. To her, these chambers and pieces of art showed the wealth of Erebor more than the gold in the halls below. This spoke to her of a rich history of bravery, loyalty and love. A history both hers and not.

She stood back to Thorin's door studying the mural in front of her. The carving portrayed a large battle. Men, elves and dwarves stood staring down their enemy, spears, swords and axes ready. Across for them charging across the field of battle an army of orcs and men, at their centre stood a heavily armoured figure.

She'd stared at this mural before, it was the Last Alliance. Her lessons had taught her about Sauron and the people who defeated him. Durin's folk were proud to count themselves among those who stood against the darkness.

"Are you still staring at that?" Thorin teased approaching her back.

"Perhaps if the carving was simpler I would find less in it." She smiled turning to face him. "My Lord, I am at your service." She bowed her head, well aware of the guards around them.

"Good," Thorin turned to start towards the dining room as was his habit. "Come, I'm starving."

Frin followed staying two paces back from him as was expected. The large dining hall was mostly empty when they arrived. Thorin's brother, Frerin sat at the table alongside his sister, Dis, who Frin hadn't seen since her return to the mountain.

Dis had been newly wed when Frin had returned. Being of the royal line, she had been required to tour the dwarven kingdoms with her new husband. Di,s like her brothers was hot headed and stubborn, but Frin enjoyed her company as children.

"Sister!" Thorin called as he approached. "When did you return?"

Dis stood from the table and approached her brother with a large smile. "Late in the night, it's good to see you!" She exclaimed, gifting Thorin with a hug.

During the interaction, Frin took her place against the wall and simply watched the reunion. Dis was different than she remembered. Her facial hair had come in quite dark, complimenting her warm skin and blue eyes. She seemed stronger than she had been. As a child she and Frin had been very similar in stature but now she had filled out. Her chestnut hair was braided into an intricate knot behind her head, with a few braids cascading around her ears.

"Did you miss Erebor?" Thorin gave his sister a jab with his elbow as he sat down at the long table.

"Of course," Dis scoffed. "The dwarf kingdoms are beautiful but Erebor's home."

"Where is your husband this morning?" Frerin questioned, glancing around the room.

"Off to the mines." Dis answered.

"Eager to impress." Frerin stated.

Dis nodded but continued to eat.

"So sister," Frerin leaned forward, lowering his voice but Frin could still hear. "You are now a woman."

It took every ounce of control for Frin not to laugh at Dis' reaction, who immediately dropped her food and choked. Beside his sister, Thorin chuckled.

"Frerin, it is not appropriate to discuss such things." Frin didn't need to see her face to know she wasn't amused by the inappropriate question.

"You are so dull." Frerin scoffed standing from his place at the table.

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