"I Met Him In The Summer..."

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Simon's POV

I was walking late at night. I knew it was probably a bad idea, as I had no idea if the sword would even come if I got attacked. I didn't really care, anyways. Agatha broke up with me at the end of the last school year and my boys' home is especially bad this year. I've barely gotten anything to eat.

Not realizing it, I had wondered into an alley, where someone had cornered me. As soon as I heard his voice I whipped around and tried to summon my sword, but it didn't work.


Well, I guess I was getting my wish. I pushed myself against the wall and braced for whatever this guy was gonna do to me.

But nothing ever came.

Instead, I heard a familiar voice shout... something, and the guy was knocked out. I slid to the ground, just then realizing that I could've died.

"Aliastor Crowley, Snow. I knew you were stupid but I didn't know you were that stupid."

Wait... Baz?!?!

I looked up at the handsome figure in front of me as he tucked his wand back into his sleeve and offered a hand to me.

"Get up, will you? We need to get outta here before he wakes up." Baz said with a nod to my knocked out attacker.

I took his hand hesitantly, allowing him to pull me up and lead me out of the alley. "I'm not taking you back to wherever you're staying. You look disgustingly underweight and malnourished. I'll let you go back about a week before school to not set off the mage."

He spoke so matter-of-factly it was hard to argue with him. And honestly? Anything would be better then that boys' home.

Even if it was my worst enemy's house.

Surprisingly, my worst enemy's house was pretty comfortable.

He cooked for me as soon as we got there, presenting a plate of spaghetti, steamed broccoli, and leftover dinner bread. The drink he gave me was a delicious mix of rare teas. It really was nice.

"Eat as much as you can. I can imagine how hard it would be to eat a lot right after malnutrition."

I did as told, eating all the food in less then 10 minutes. It all tasted and felt so good.

"Since I know you're not going to like the guest room, it's creepy and even I don't like going in there, you'll take my couch."

I nodded, following him up to his room.

"I don't have much. But I have a blanket and a pillow."

I nodded gratefully and took them. Curling up on the couch and falling asleep almost instantly. It was so much more comfortable then my cot at the home.

*Next Day*

I woke up to Baz talking softly to someone.

"Daphne, look at how thin he is. I know he's with the mage but we can't just leave him where he is. He needs us."

He was basically pleading. Pleading to let me stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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