"Perfect." (Part 1)

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We're just going to pretend Simon was pulled into the Humdrum right before Baz got back, ok? Ok.


    I watch Simon thrash around in his bed with complete sadness, he has been having nightmares for the past few weeks after the Humdrum had pulled him and Bunce to it. I just want to walk over and hold him and tell him it would all be ok. It was nights like these I wish I had never realised I love him.
    He shoots upright, I watch as he gulps for air. He looks over and locks eyes with me, I freeze. Once I was unfrozen I turn away from him and closed my eyes, I could feel his eyes on me, but then something happened. I feel a pair of baby soft lips on the spot just below my ear, along with a softly whispered, “Thank Crowley you’re alive, Baz…”


    I was sucked to the Humdrum, but it wasn’t Penny who was holding onto my arm, it was Baz. I see the barren grassland and the Humdrum is right in front of us. Baz tries to summon his fire but to no avail. We started to run, I made it out of the dead zone but Baz didn’t. I was forced to watch the Humdrum rip the one person I truly loved apart.
    I shoot up, gulping for air, I’m in my bed at Watford, I’m not at the dead spot, it was Penny who had gotten dragged with me, not Baz… Baz. The thought shoots through me, I look over to see my roommate staring at me with what seems to be a look of sadness. Once he knew he was caught he flipped around quickly, closing his eyes and seeming to go to sleep.
    I get up out of my bed carefully, as not to wake the beautiful mage in the room with me, I stood over him for a while, He’s not a monster, I don’t know why I ever thought that. He’s just Baz. He may be a vampire but that doesn’t matter. The thought runs through my head fast and I accept it. I lean down and press a soft kiss to the spot just below his ear, whispering, “Thank Crowley you’re alive, Baz…” 


    I wake up the next morning and the memories from last night flood back to me. Did that really happen? I ask myself, Snow wouldn’t have done that. I concede, as to not get high hopes. He's  already up and getting dressed, after Simon leaves, I slowly get dressed and walk to breakfast.


I can't forget about that damned dream. I walk down to breakfast and sit down, just messing around with the food on my plate.
     "Simon?" I hear Penny's voice and my head snaps up, reminding me again of the Humdrum and that damned dream.
     "Yeah, what do you need, Pen?" I ask, holding back the fear in my voice.
     "You're not eating that much… that's like Baz not glaring at everyone." I freeze for a moment at Baz's name, the imagine of him getting ripped apart by that creature wearing my face rips through my mind, completely setting my brain on dead.
     "I just had another Humdrum nightmare last night, is all…" I murmur, when I look up she has a questioning look on her face.
     "Oh really? What happened this time?" I gulp, this isn't a good question. "Well, instead of you getting pulled through with me it was Ba-gatha! Agatha, I made it out, but she didn't… I had to watch the Humdrum rip her apart."
     Penny raises an eyebrow at my almost mistake. "It wasn't Agatha, was it? You two have been falling distant lately…"
     I gulp, not quite ready to release that uh… clarified information, I quickly make up an excuse and run out to the courtyard.
     The wind on my skin makes me shiver, and I can feel the leftover remains of the magic I gave Baz that day of the Dragon.
     Baz. All I can do at the moment is think about him, his long, black hair, his pale, pearl skin, and those striking stormy orbs. I love him. I know that. I've known that for months, Agatha has, too, it would be dishonest for her not to. She covers for me, she stays with me just to turn away jeering eyes if they ever get any ideas.
     I sit down in the grass, basking in the feeling of the sun and the gorgeous combined magic, it electrifies my skin and weaves through my blood, and then a hand meets my shoulder.


    Bunce seems to ask Snow an uncomfortable question as he bolts not a minute after.
Snow, Crowley I think about him too much. Bronze curls falling around his face, creamed coffee skin, and those unremarkably remarkable diamond eyes. I love him so much it hurts. I love his little gestures, his smooth voice. I love everything about him.
     I finally decide to follow him, he's in the courtyard. I feel a shiver when the leftover magic hits, he seems to be relishing in it. I walk up and carefully put my hand on his shoulder. He jolts, and I quickly move my hand away. Snow looks up and my eyes meet his, until he grabbed the shirt I was wearing and crashed his lips into mine. It felt so good.


     I jolt slightly, and the hand immediately moves away, I look up to meet storm gray eyes, and can't help myself as I pull him down to kiss me. He freezes and I'm scared I fucked up, but he quickly pulls me out of my sitting position and kisses me back.
     He's so cold, and I'm so hot. Teeth clash, hands travel, pulling, pushing, grabbing, trying to get closer than humanly possible. I feel him bury his hand in my hair, so I do the same. His hair is silky, he left it ungelled, I don’t know why, but I’m happy about it.
I don’t ever want it to stop, but eventually the need to breath pulls us apart. I don’t pull out of his arms though, or remove my hand from his hair, he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere either. We rest our foreheads together, the look on his face, it makes me wonder how long he’s wanted this, how long I’ve wanted this. I could lie and say it was only the last few months, but I knew better than that.
     “That was…” the beautiful mage standing in front of me starts, not seeming to be able to say anything, I respond by leaning forward and kissing him again, this time putting more meaning into it.


    The first kiss was amazing, the despratarity of it, tugging, pushing, pulling, but this… his hand is still in my hair, but instead of my back his other hand is cradling my face, sending a spark and a shiver through my whole body, I moved my hand from his waist onto the crook of his back, pulling him in softly, running my hand through his hair, we fit together like puzzle pieces.
    I couldn’t think that well when we pulled away, so the whispered, “How long?” caught me off guard, I took a few seconds to de-jumble my thoughts before I ended up breathing, “5th year…” I looked down to see him smiling softly up at me, Crowley that smile.
    “You look beautiful in the dawnlight, Baz…” that sentence stops my brain fully, it's like my brain short circuits, and I loved it. I loved how he can stop my brain with just a few words, with just one smile, with just a blink of those eyes. The moment is perfect, just us standing there, openly gazing into each other’s eyes, but then the bell rings, and the spell is broken.


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