The Forest

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TW: Past suicide attempt


    I had my head on Simon’s shoulder as we drove aimlessly. I knew he had a destination, he himself had told me so. My Dad had found us in a very… suggestive pose, and had tossed me out along with almost breaking my nose and bruising Simon’s jaw badly.
    “How’s your jaw? And where are we going?”
    Simon was silent for a bit, before seeming to decide on something to say, “Brunch. We’re going to brunch.” it was late at night but I smiled widely, he knew about my absolute love for breakfast food. Then… then I saw it.


    I was taking Baz to one of my favorite 24 hour brunch places, I knew he loved breakfast food, I answer his questions and then I feel him tense up against my shoulder.
    “Baz? What’s wrong?”
    He shifted uncomfortably, “Window…” I stopped the car, looked out the window, and there it was, a burnt, leafless forest. I could feel guilt and shame and some sort of happiness running through him.
    “Want to go take another look?” I whispered softly, “Try again with these greens?” Baz nodded slowly, taking a shaky breath and getting out of the car.


    Those woods… I felt guilt, shame, and last but not least the slightest feeling of happiness. When Simon asked if I wanted to give it another go, I had nodded and, admittedly, ungracefully got out of the car. (Not like I was going to admit it to anyone but myself.) As soon as I was close enough Simon grabbed my hand and squeezed slightly, a silent message of “We can go back”, I shook my head, I needed to face this.
We walked in the forest until we found the clearing. Branches were scattered everywhere and I could still smell the smoke filling the air, I could see the flames filling the trees and I could feel the heat of it all. Simon squeezed my hand again, the same silent message.
“No, Si, I need to get over this.” I breathed out shakily. He nodded, not letting go of my hand as I walked around the clearing, then I say a familiar silver glint, I pull Simon closer, and light a flame in my hand, he looks scared for a second before he spots the same silver light I did. He smiles, approving my choice. I shoot the fire at the silver cross, being careful to not burn anything else.


    When Baz had made the flame I have to admit I was scared, but then I saw what most likely caught his attention, a small, silver cross necklace, my vampire protection necklace. I smiled approvingly at his want to shoot fire at it. He seemed to take that as a silent “do it” because soon enough the flame previously licking his long fingers had hit the silver and burned the necklace.
“That, felt good.” Baz said, giggling a little bit. We both froze at the sound. Me in utter awe of the fucking adorable nose that had just made it’s way out of my boyfriend’s mouth, and him most likely out of embarrassment I pulled him into the middle of the clearing, wanting to kiss him but not knowing if that would help, and then he kisses me.


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