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Penny's POV

I was checking around the dorms like I always do on Wednesdays, it was my job as a teacher after all. I reach the place where Simon, and his arsehole roommate, Baz, used to stay. The new boys there where a sweet gay couple, Damien Maslin, a bookworm and very quiet about his sexuality, and Jack Twist, an outgoing and flamboyant gay if I say so myself.

I loved those two boys, they never caused too much trouble and one was always ready to defend the other. I continued searching the room, knowing I really had nothing to worry about, when something in the mirror sweet Jack had put up caught my eye.

I walked over to the corner, where I had thought I had seen carvings, and what I found was quite shocking. There where 4 set's of initials, all surrounded in hearts.


I just started for a few seconds, racking my brain for who these people could be. The first one... I thought back until it hit me, the first two kids to make being gay in this school a normality. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, the overly dramatic leather jacket type guy and the timid bookworm, everyone knew Remus was a creature of some sort but no one knew which one.

Next is "D.M." and "H.P.", I think I remember them in the stories of school. Star-Crossed lovers, one forced onto the dark side, and the other overwhelmed by light, but they stuck together til the end, no matter the situation they where in or how the world was against them, they stood tall. Yes, that is the story of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

"D.M." round two and "J.T." are obviously the new students, following their older peers' example for good luck in their relationship, and I hope it works, they deserve each other.

"T.B.P." and "S.S." where the ones that actually troubled me, I couldn't seem to rake my mind of who they could possibly be, it was blank. Then I found the notes.

"Hey, if you're reading this- welcome to Watford, first of all, second of all, this room seems to invite the gay kids in. My name's Tyranus, but Tyran is fine. I go by another name with other people, but then a certain teacher would figure out my identity. I am writing this note with my handsome boyfriend peeking over my shoulder every two seconds, which is honestly adorable, and there's a squeal, I love him, honestly. Anyways, just know that who you love isn't an issue, and if you're feeling something, by all means, say it. I lived with my now boyfriend for 3 years knowing I loved him, and 8 with the repressed feelings. You aren't alone, now, go get him, whoever he may be.

Uh- I'm not very good at this, Tyran told me I have to so- remember it's ok to be confused sometimes, I was for a while after our first kiss, I didn't know what I was, I had a girlfriend before, but suddenly he was everything I desired. Know it's ok. Everything's fine. You don't need to know right now. There's no rush for you, just accept it as it is. (I'm praying someone get that-) Confusion is all some have. Again, it'll be ok. You aren't alone in this mess, and hey, you can always talk to your lover about it. Like I did.
Anyways, bye,

I had my hand over my mouth to stop tears by the end of the last one. These two young boys seemed to have gone through so much together, and I wanted to know who they where. It didn't once occur to me that the next generation would be Simon and Baz.

I searched records and books, though nothing ever came up, maybe the boys wanted to keep their identities private, I wouldn't blame them, some families do still hate gays, even if Sirius and Remus made it ok.

Ever so often I'd also check Simon's Instagram, most where pictures of everyday things, but a few where pictures of messy black hair with some sort of caption like "Babe, get up, you need to get to work," or, "My lover's sleeping like the angel they are. 🥺❤️". Those confused me, but I never questioned them, he could date who he wanted, even though I was curious of the constant use of gender neutral pronouns, was he not telling me something?

Every Wednesday I would stare at those notes, wondering who these boys could be. Then one day, everything just fell into place, messy black hair, Baz has messy black hair, Tyranus, Baz's first name, T.B.P., Tyranus Basilton Pitch, S.S., Simon Snow, living with him for 8 years, the way Baz looked at Simon starting in 5th year, it all just made sense. Simon was dating Baz, and Baz was dating Simon.

"Not THAT agreement, Snow."
"No one's seducing any vampires."

Baz gave me a blank stare when I said tnat, and I never understood why. Until now. Those two where deeply in love and I was too idiotic to realize it. The way Baz held Simon after the war was over, the whisper I didn't catch, the constant needy touches during the meetings, everything was making perfect sense.

But, the only thing crossing my mind was a single question, Why didn't he tell me? He usually tells me everything, why keep this a secret? Sure I wasn't besties with Baz but if he makes Simon happy... I decided it's time to pay those two a visit, as they need to know I know.

That Saturday, my one good day off, I went outside of the school, got in my car, and drove to "Simon's" flat. Unsurprisingly, there was a car I didn't recognize in the driveway, Probably Baz's, I walk up and knock on the door twice, to my complete surprise, even though I knew he would be there, I jumped when a mostly shirtless Baz opened the door, he just had an unbuttoned button-down on.

His eyes widened when he saw me, "Uuuhhhh- Si! We have an issue!" I chuckled at that, and soon Simon was behind Baz, also shirtless, it was a hot day, so I don't blame them. "Babe what's- oooohhh, shit- uh- Penny- hi-" I interupted, "I figured it out. Those notes and carvings make it quite easy." Both of them blushed softly, "Right, those, did the notes help anyone at all?" "I think so, I heard one of the knew kids gasp at something as I was walking by, and a day after that the two kids in your room where proudly dating."

That make the couple smile widely, "What're the kids like? Troublemakers like us, or quite kids like others?" I chuckled at Simon's question, "Damien is a right bookworm, can't pull him away from a good book if you tried, and Jack is just a perfect little femboy. They carved their initials right under yours, too." They smiled wider at that, "Thanks for being so accepting, Pen, I honestly love him," this is being said as Simon snakes his arms around Baz's torso, "and I don't know what I'd do without your support."

I chuckle, "Good going Simon, you caught probably the hardest catch, now, I plan to make sure you meet Damien and Jack at some point, ok?" They just nodded and closed the door with a quick "Bye" from each, I left and got on with my life. I also noticed that Simon would actually post full pictures of Baz now, and wouldn't stuck to gender neutrals. Looks like I was the one he was trying to hide it from, it really doesn't matter though, I haven't told him about my little thing with Agatha. (Shuddup Wayward Son made me ship it ok???)

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