Nightmares and Jealousy...(Pt. 1)

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Simon's POV

As soon as we got back to the Pitch's house Baz started ignoring it. Acting like nothing changed between us. And it was tearing me apart.

The night after it I finally cornered him. I needed to fix this somehow. Even a direct rejection would help. Just something.

"Baz, please, you can't just ignore it-" he looked me in the eyes, I couldn't read his expression, never could.

"I can do whatever I want, Snow." That harsh tone. I hated it. I wanted the Baz I had back. The Baz I had in the middle of those woods, he was caring, sweet, a bit snarky sure but that's what made him, him.

"At least reject me, please. I need to know if that meant anything to you. Just- if you reject me, we can go back to how things always were, but right now, I just want an answer. No lies, no dodging, just a simple, honest, answer."

I could finally read an emotion on his face.

And it was pure sadness.

Baz's POV

Simon looked so helpless. He was always an open book. Putting his emotions out there for everyone to see. If he was angry, you knew he was angry. If he was happy, you felt a little happy too. If he was sad, the air around you would gloom up a little bit.

I wanted to answer. To scream, to yell, "I want this too, Simon! I really do!" but I just couldn't form the words. I think he knew I was sad, something in his expression changed.

"Baz, please. Just give me something.", So I gave him the only thing I knew how to give, a kiss.

I pulled him in by his back lightly, letting my hand rest in the crook of it. He kissed back slowly, reaching up and carting one of his hands through my hair.

I don't think anyone was leading, though I would gratefully submit to his caring hands.

It lasted for 30 seconds or so, before we mutually pulled away for air, I rested my forehead on his.

"I- I love you, Snow. More then I could ever imagine. But we don't work. You're the Mage's heir, Simon. And the Pitches are one of his greatest enemies."

Then I heard words I never thought would come out of Simon's mouth.

"Fuck the Mage." I was stunned for a few seconds.

"Wh-what...?" "Fuck the Mage." He repeated. "If following the Mage like I do now means I have to give you up, then fuck him. We'll find your mother's killer, we'll beat the Humdrum, we'll finish school, and we'll run off to Scotland or maybe even America. If you want us to be, we'll be together. No matter the Mage's rules."

I started crying at that, pulling him closer to me and burying my face into hair, he did nothing to stop me, simply hugged me back and whispered soft words into my neck.

He pulled away from the hug slightly after most of my tears were gone. He looked me in the eyes. God those diamond eyes, I could get lost in them.

"I want to be your terrible boyfriend, Baz. Please let me do that." I nodded my head shakily. "Please." It was a desperate whisper, I knew that, but I was desperate. Desperate for his touch, his kiss. I needed him. He was my sun. What kept me alive.

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