"Perfect." (Part 2)

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    It was a Saturday, some may think that lucky, but I just think it annoying in my case. I had promised to hang out with Penny that day, so me spending the entire day with Baz wasn’t an option. I gave him one last quick peck, but had to run soon after, leaving the vampire dazed. I giggle a bit when I look over my shoulder. 
    I get to me and Penny’s meeting spot late, which I assume was a good thing because it gave the blush on my face time to bugger off, but I still have a hidden smile underneath my guilty look.

    “Sorry, Pen…” I mumble as I sit next to her, "You better be!" she snaps, than notices me smiling softly at the memory of Baz's lips on mine.

    "Ok, spill. Because Agatha was with me the whole time I was waiting and you're smiling like an idiot." 

    I gulp, "Er…" she raises an eyebrow, "Me and her… we uh… we broke up…" she nodded, "So there's a new girl in town?" I snicker inside at "girl", "Yeah, you could say that."

    The next few weeks… I don't know what to say. Baz pulls me into alleyways in the halls for hidden kisses, we make out under stairs, and he'd send me secret smiles in classes and during meals, we have also figured out that sleeping while cuddling with each other helped out nightmares. It was perfect.

    Some may say this type of relationship isn't good, hiding it with no one knowing, but we like it that way. Agatha and I have publicly broken up on good terms, so that won't be hanging over our heads as we try to be lovers, still only Agatha Penny know I’m in a new relationship. 

    I talk about Baz to Penny constantly, sometimes actually mentioning his name with my usual "plotting" thing, which always makes Baz chuckle across the room, or sometimes not saying his name and talking about him the way I want to all the time, as my lover. 


    I loved these last few weeks, and I can tell Snow did too. He's such a sweetheart when in a relationship, he makes a puppy look like a numpty. 

    We do all the things a classic hidden couple would do, and I love it. We cuddle at night and I usually end up being the little spoon, I like being held, even if I was taller than him. 

    Whenever he used the "plotting excuse", as I've dubbed it, I would chuckle, it’s funny to see him talking about me like that, knowing how much he cares.

    Also watching him talk about me when talking about his "secret lover" to Bunce, my heart melts. He has so many things to say and he tells me things he can't tell her when we're alone, it's perfect.


    My eyes shoot open as a familiar voice yells, "Up and Adam Si-" and than a gasp enters my ears. Baz. I look down to see Baz frantically searching for his wand, must've fallen asleep in my arms again.

    "Sh…" I sooth, "it's Penny, no one to hurt us…" he relaxes in my arms for a few seconds, before starting to panic again at the fact that we're in this position. 

    "Baz, she most likely doesn't care, probably just going to want an explanation." that calms him down enough for me to get out of the bed and let him follow.

    "Answers. Now." Penny says impatiently, just as expected. "Well… that day I ran away a few weeks ago…?" she nods her head, remembering that time.

    "Baz sorta put his hand on my shoulder and…" she nods again, "I get it, just wish you would've told me sooner."

    I smile at her. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Just don't want it getting out." she shook her head with a smile on her face, "I would never, Simon." 

    I let out a laugh, "I know. Just being careful." then Baz leans down to kiss me from his position holding me from behind, when did that happen? And I can only think of one word as our lips pressed together,


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