chapter 2

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authors note if you didn't see my note on the last chapter I changed Emma's age to 16 and its been 13 years sense the team last saw each other. the reason for this will be revealed later in the story.

"All rise" said the bailiff as every stood up. "You may be seated." said the judge. Emma sat down with zero express on her face. "ok Docket number 336 -CR-185 United states vs Reid, Mrs. Duncan your client is being charged with murder in the first degree, Is your client ready to enter a plea." questioned the judge. "Yes we plead not guilty." replied Fiona. "Ok I'm setting bail at 250,000,court dismissed" said the judge. The bailiffs walks over to take Jenna. Jenna said nothing as she just sadly turned to look at the team. Reid leaves to go bail his daughter out, the rest of the team following behind. when Emily is stopped by section chief Cruz. "Unit chief Prentiss we need to talk" Called section chief Cruz. "What's going on." questioned Prentiss. "you and agents Reid, Lewis and Jareau are all being suspended until the murder case against Jenna Reid is over." replied Section chief Cruz. "What, why?" "After what happened with agent Reid in Mexico 16 years ago the brass is concerned that you and your team will show biased and favoritism which is clear that you already have so effective immediately all of you will be suspended until this case is over and has gone to trial and is over." Says Cruz as he walks away. Emily walks into the lobby when she sees her team with Jenna. "Emily what's going on?"questioned JJ. "I'll fill you guys in later, Lets just get Jenna home." replied Emily

The car ride back to Reid's house was quiet, No one said a word. They all arrived at Reid's house and immediately Jenna ran to her room. "Emily what's going on?" asked Tara. "Affective immediately we have all been suspended." replied Emily. "What? Why?" questioned Reid. "After what happened with Reid in Mexico 16 years ago the brass and section chief were concerned we couldn't be impartial and that we were giving her special treatment." Replied Emily. "what are we going to do the 4 of us are not going to be able to help Jenna alone?" questioned Tara. "Glad you asked what if we asked Alvez, Garcia, Simmons, Hotch, Morgan and Rossi for help, for one last case because the 4 of us cant do this alone, we need there help and I already know all of them would be here in a heart beat if they knew Jenna was in trouble." proposed Emily. they all looked at each other knowing this was the right decision. "Ok lets do it, Lets call them." replied Reid. "Ok I'm going to get all of them on a conference call, Reid can I borrow your laptop."Asked Emily. "Of course." replied Reid. it took a while but after about an hour the conference call was finally set up.

Emily, JJ, Reid and Tara all gathered around and waited for the rest of their old friends to join. "What's going on Emily, you made it sound really urgent?" asked Garcia. "We need you guys to come to Reid's as soon as possible its Jenna, she's been arrested and we've all been suspended so we need your help." explained Emily. "For what and does she need to be bailed out?" questioned Rossi. "We've already bailed her out and she's been accused of murdering her best friend." replied JJ. "Murder no that's impossible Jenna would never hurt anyone!" insisted Alvez. "we know but when we arrested her ,she was caught fleeing the murder scene covered in blood and she was clearly on drugs." Explained JJ, we did a toxic screen and she tested positive for Dilaudid and scopolamine."continued Tara. "Dilaudid ?Scopolamine, Scratch is dead and we all know Reid's history with Dilaudid but there's no way Babygirl could've gotten her hands on either of those drugs so someone would've had to have drugged her. someone is framing her, what did Jenna say when you questioned her." asked Morgan. "She said cant remember anything but we think she's lying and knows more then she's telling us but now she's completely shut down,"Continued Reid. " Did you try to do a cognitive interview?" questioned Hotch as he started packing his bag. "No we didn't, I didn't even think about." Replied Emily.

"Ok then we need to get her to agree to a cognitive." Added Rossi. " yeah that's not going to be easy, she's not talking anymore." Explained JJ " She also attacked Reid in interrogation and when we tried to cuff her she attacked us and then she tried to run. It took Reid pinning her down to stop her." Add Tara. "What? no she would never do that? exclaimed Garcia. "I've been thinking about that and I think she was having a mental breakdown." Suggested Emily. "That would make sense, she was so overwhelmed with emotions that she just lost it." replied Reid. "that's enough for me, I'll be on the next flight to Virginia." Said Morgan. "me to." replied hotch. "Me and Luke can be then in about an hour." replied Garcia. "Me too, you just tell that sweet girl that were all coming to help her." Smiled Rossi. "Yeah we are. Grabbing my gear, I'll be there soon." Promised Simmons. The call ended and with that they began pouring thought all the evidence again

Not long after Garcia, Alvez and Rossi and Simmons arrived. "Where's Jenna?" questioned Garcia. "she's in her room, she hasn't moved from her bed sense we brought her home." replied Tara. "Can we see her?" asked Garcia. "sure but I don't think she's going to talk to you." said Reid but before any of them could even move they saw Jenna come out of her room. "Hi Jenna how are you doing?" asked Garcia. Jenna didn't say anything and Just went back to her room. "That's not good, When was the last time she spoke?" questioned Alvez. "When Tara and I questioned her which was like 9 hours ago now." replied Emily. "Looks like getting her to agree to a cognitive is going to be harder then we thought. the way she looked as us was like she didn't want us here." suggested Simmons. "your right, Maybe we should try to talk to her one to two of us at a time so we don't overwhelm her even more then she already is." suggested Rossi. "ok lets start with Luke and Rossi." said Emily. the boys nodded and headed down the hall to Jenna's room.

Rossi and Luke walked into the Jenna's room and at first they didn't see her until they realized she had buried herself under her blankets. "Jenna can we talk?" asked Rossi. Jenna says nothing as Rossi sits next to her. "Jenna we just want to help you but we cant do that if you wont talk to us." Explained Alvez. "Jenna its me papa Rossi, talk to me please." Begged Rossi. She's closed herself off Rossi, she's not gonna talk." Said Alvez "Jenna I'll be here if you want to talk." Said Rossi as he and Alvez got up to leave the room.

Alvez and Rossi walked over to the team shaking their heads. "She won't talk, let alone even Acknowledge us." Explained Alvez. "We got get her talking again." Voiced Rossi. "I know but if we push her to much she'll just shut down even more" Voiced Emily." for now lets just leave her for a bit and then we can try again." suggested Tara. they all nodded and decided to go though the evidence again.


Jenna grabbed a small bag and filled it with clothes, all the money she had saved, Books and toiletries. she throw on a jacket grabbed her bag and quietly opened her window and climbed out closing the window behind her. she didn't know where she was going but anywhere was better then here.

this is then end of chapter 2 the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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