chapter 11

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Emily searched the room once more looking for any means of escape but she couldn't find any. She was also trying to think of a way to get thought to Jenna. She was knocked out of her thoughts by the door opening. she saw Jenna carrying a tray of food.

"Jenna cat is manipulating you, she's brain washed you." explained Emily.

"No she's not, unlike you and the rest of the team she cares about me" Said Jenna.

"Jenna no she doesn't, She's a psychopath she cant care about you." Explained Emily.

Jenna sets the try down next to Emily before walking away. Jenna then turns back and looks at Emily.

"you're not my mother, cat is." Said Jenna as she walked back upstairs.

Emily knew this wasn't working but she didn't know what else to do. She knew getting thought to Jenna was not going to be easy but it didn't make what Jenna said hurt any less.

Emily didn't touch the food and just sat there for awhile trying to come up with ways to help Jenna when the door opened again and in came cat. cat came over and tied her hands behind her back with rope.

"so how long have you been brain washing her?" Questioned Emily.

"I didn't she just realized what you guys have been doing to her all along." Replied cat.

"Oh and what's that?" questioned Emily.

"that none of you actually care about her." explained cat.

"that's not true." Yelled Emily.

"Cat grabbed Emily and forced her upstairs before tying her to a chair.

Emily looked over to see Jenna of to side watching.

"Alright I have to run a few errands so I'll leave you to do what you want with her." said Cat as she turned to leave.

"Jenna please listen to me cat has been brain washing you. everything she has said is a lie she doesn't care about you, she never did." explained Emily.

"Stop it, I know your lying." Yelled Jenna.

"I'm not lying, I've seen this multiple times thought out my career. she's using you, telling you things and using lies to get into your head and get you to trust you. she never carried about you, she killed Lilia and framed you " explained Emily

"I know, she told me it was all part of her plan to bring us back together" Explained Jenna.

"What? Jenna this isn't you. Please Jenna I knew your still in there, you have to believe me she's manipulation you." Begged Emily.

Jenna all the sudden walks towards Emily and punches her in the face. after a few seconds she realizes what she just did and runs out of the room. Emily sits their for a moment shocked at what Jenna just did to her but she also knows it not Jenna its cats programming. She then looks around the room to see theirs anything she could use to break out of theses ropes when she sees a knife a few feet away on the counter. she starts trying to rock the chair back in order to try and jump back to move it back. she does this a few times before final getting right next to the counter. only one problem, with her hands tied behind her back, she couldn't quite reach the knife. She then decide to use the cabinets to try and push her self up to reach the knife. it took a few tries but she eventually got it and was able to grab the knife and cut the ropes off.

She saw the phone and ran to it quickly dialing JJ's number.

Meanwhile back at Rossi's house and the team was still trying to get a location on Jenna and Emily when JJ's phone rang. it was an unknown number so Garcia set up a trap and trace.

"Hello" answered JJ.

"JJ its me Emily. Jenna isn't Jenna anymore. she's turned to cats side. I've tried to get though to her but its not working." Explained Emily.

"We know, Emily do you know where you are?" asked JJ.

"No, Guys be careful Jenna has completed been reprogramed. she punched me in the face. I know she's still in there, the way she looked at me after she realized what she did was pure guilt." explained Emily.

"Emily leave the line open and get out of there now. will get Jenna out but first you need to get yourself to safety." JJ said.

"I'm not leaving her." cried Emily as set the phone down to look for Jenna.

Emily walked out of the room to find Jenna sitting on the couch quietly.

"Jenna sweety come on we need to get out of here." Said Emily as she causally walked over to Jenna.

"No." replied Jenna.

"Jenna please, I love you some much, I want to help you but I can't if you don't come with me." Begged Emily.

"I said No." Yelled Jenna.

in that moment cat came up from behind and hit Emily on the back of the head with a frying pan. what cat didn't know is that the team heard the whole thing on the other side of the phone.

"I've got there location their at 865 fairway drive." said Garcia

"alright lets go" commanded hotch as they all ran to the cars

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