chapter 10

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The team was freaking out they had just gone to check on Jenna and she was gone and they had know idea where she went or where she might be going.

"I got the amber alert out and I'm trying to track her phone to hopefully get a location on her." Promised Garcia.

Reid was trying not to panic but was doing a terrible job, this was now the second time Jenna ran away. He was already planning to handcuff her to the bed when he found her so she couldn't run again.

"I got a location she was on 5th and main about a mile and a half away from here." said Garcia.

"Ok Reid, Morgan, JJ and I will head over there." Replied Hotch.

The team arrived at the scene of Jenna's last location. they all pulled out their flashlights and started looking around. JJ was looking around when she almost tripped on something

"Guys over here." Yelled JJ.

"Is that her phone and backpack." Asked Hotch.

"Yeah that's definitely her backpack but that's not her phone" Replied Reid.

"Ok then we need to get the phone to Garcia" Replied JJ

"alright I'll call Garcia this just changed from runaway to abduction." Said Morgan as he walked away to make the call.

" Were to late cat must've taken her." Cried Reid.

"Will find her Reid" Promised JJ

"You don't know that. Don't make a promise you know that you might not be able to keep." Replied Reid as he walked towards the car.

Meanwhile in a cabin in the middle of know where

Emily was sitting in the dark basement alone when she heard the sound of the door opening. she turned to look and was shocked to see Jenna.

"Jenna what are you doing here?" questioned Emily.

"Just hanging out with my real mom." Replied Jenna.

"Jenna cat is manipulating you. She's a psychopath she cant love you." Explained Emily.

"Unlike you she didn't hurt me." Replied Jenna.

"Whatever she's told you is a lie. Please don't listen to her." Begged Emily.

Jenna ignores her and leaves.

The pieces of the puzzle finally started to fight. Cat must've been commutating with her and slowly brain washing her to turn her against the team. Based on what she had profiled she knew that breaking Jenna out of it wasn't going to be easy and if it was to deep it might already be to late but she was not going to give up on Jenna.

Meanwhile back at Reid's house

" Ok so the phone you found definitely belongs to Jenna and I went though Jenna's search history and her last search was walking directions to a bus station she was definitely running away." Explained Garcia.

"So cat was watching us and when she saw Jenna leave she followed us" theorized Rossi.

"Ok but then why wait till Jenna get almost 2 miles away." Questioned JJ.

"your right It doesn't make sense." agreed Hotch.

"Guys it looks like cat was texting and facetiming Jenna from this phone. Oh god she was Definity was brain washing her. I mean look at theses texts." trembled Garcia.

"don't listen to them there lying to you, they don't care about you." JJ read

"It looks like this has been going on for months." Said Garcia.

"Cat most of set up a meet at the coffee shop but got scared and decide to try and drug her and kidnap her instead and started following Jenna and lilla." theorized Hotch

"then drugs kicked in and Jenna couldn't fight back so Lilia fought back to try to save them both and cat killed her and left Jenna as to not incriminate herself." continued Tara.

It all started to make sense. Cat was manipulation Jenna the whole time, that's why she wasn't acting like herself, because cat was controlling her the whole time. They new depending on how deep this brain washing was they may not be able to get her back.

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