chapter 7

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        Jenna lay in a hospital bed asleep as they waited for the doctor to come back with test results. she was running a fever of 101.5 and Reid was doing his best to not freak out. "JJ please don't do this." Said Jenna in her sleep. "I didn't do this, please believe me" Cried Jenna. "I think she's having a nightmare" Said Emily. Jenna then jolts awake. "Hey its okay, you just had a nightmare said Emily. Jenna frightenly backs away from Emily. "Jenna hey its okay." said JJ. " No stay away from me." Cried Jenna. The team looks at each other and thinks it would be wise to give Jenna a moment to calm down.

"Reid you need to tell her about cat." Suggested JJ

"No" said Reid.

"Reid she knows cat is her mom but not about what she did to you. you need to tell her, your the only one who knows exactly what she is going thought." Explained Hotch.

Reid says nothing as he turns to go back into Jenna room "Jenna can we talk"? asks Reid. "no go away." replied Jenna. "you don't have to talk all you have to do is listen. Jenna I know what your going though." said Reid. "how could you possible know what I'm going though?" Yelled Jenna. "I've been were you are I spent 3 months in prison for a murder I didn't commit." explained Reid." what happened?" asked Jenna curiously. "let me ask you this how much do you remember about my mom, your grandma?" questioned Reid. "only what you've told me that she had schizophrenia and that she died due to Alzheimer's." replied Jenna. "I didn't think you would remember much I mean you had just turned 5 when she passed." replied Reid. "I don't understand what does this have to do with grandma?" questioned Jenna as she came and sat by him. "I'm getting there. before you were born, my mother your grandmother was sick and needed special medication that I could only get from Mexico so that's what I did I went to Mexico and met with a doctor named Nadie Ramos and as she was giving me grandmas medicine your bio-mom and her accomplice Lindsey Vaughn drugged me and killed Nadie Ramos and framed me but not before they did somethings to me that resulted in your mom cat admas getting pregnant with you and I didn't know cat was pregnant or that she had even.... until after the team had proved I was innocent." explained Reid. "Wait so I was the baby you didn't even want?" questioned Jenna. "Jennifer Diana Reid no I never once regretted keeping you, the way you were conceived wasn't ideal but I never once regretted keeping you. Jenna I was in a really bad place after I got out of prison so bad that I almost turned back to addiction but I didn't because of you. you saved me Jenna, you were my reason for living and staying off of drugs." explained Reid.

Jenna hugs Reid. "I love you daddy." smiled Jenna as she kissed his check. "I love you too Jenna, Always" replied Reid. "Can you tell the team they can come in ?" requested Jenna "sure." smiled Reid as he ushered the team in. "Emily will you come lay with me." Asked Jenna. "of course" replied Emily The team couldn't help but smile at how cute Jenna and Emily looked but they were interrupted by the doctor.

"we got Jenna's test results back and they all came back negative. "Jenna how much sleep have you been getting and have you been under a lot of stress and anxiety?" questioned the doctor. "I haven't sleep more then like 3 hours the past couple of days and I've had a lot of anxiety." replied Jenna. "over what?" questioned the doctor. Jenna looked at the team not really sure what she was allowed to say scene this was a on going case. "we cant really discuss that as she is a suspect but now we believe she might've been the target of a kidnaping turned homicide case." explained Emily. "ok yeah that would certainly do it, so you been though a lot of trauma theses last couple of weeks?" questioned the doctor. "yeah." replied Jenna. "have you been eating?" questioned Jenna. " I've felt so sick the last 3 days and I haven't been able to eat and I just haven't felt Hungry." replied Jenna. "that's not good you need to be eating at least 3 meals a day. I'm going to prescribe a ant-anxiety medication and a sleeping medication and I need you guys to make sure she's eating. she also needs to eat something before she takes her medication and make sure she gets some sleep she's very sleep deprived which is probably why she passed out. I will get the discharge papers and you can take her home" concluded the doctor. "thank you doctor." replied Reid as he and the doctor left the room to sign the discharge papers.

"You haven't been eating, Why didn't you tell us?" questioned JJ. "I don't know." answered Jenna. "You don't know, Jenna you need to come to us if somethings wrong." cried JJ. "wait is this about your sister Roslyn? Aunt JJ I would never do that to you or any of you." Promised Jenna.

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