chapter 5

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Reid, Simmons and Hotch were all on one side of the table while JJ, Emily and Garcia were on the other. neither side was really coming up with anything and Jenna was now awake watching TV. the front door opened and in walked Luke, Morgan and Tara. "did you guys find anything?" questioned JJ. "yes we did." replied Morgan. "what did you guys find?" asked Hotch. "we found this, It looks like Jenna's report card and it looks like on the back, she was having a conversation with Lila." replied Luke as he handed the paper to Hotch.

Jenna: Lilia what do I do? if my dad finds out I'm making anything lower than an A he will kill me

Lila: Then don't tell him.

Jenna: um are you forgetting he a profiler for the FBI, He will no if somethings wrong.

Lila: Just throw it away and forget about it,and question sense when do you fail anything, little miss perfect.

Jenna: I...I don't wanna talk about it.

Lila: Are you sure? You've seen different lately.

Jenna: I'm fine I promise.

Lila: ok if you want to talk I'm here.

    Hotch then flipped the paper over and was shocked by Jenna's grades. "Looks like Jenna is failing almost all of her classes." said Hotch as he hands the paper to Reid. "she's has a F in math, Science, history and English. she had a C+ in French and an C- in sociology and law. how could she be failing? she's a genius like me with a IQ of 184,eidetic memory and can read 19500 words per minute, if she's falling multiple classes, somethings going on." Insisted Reid. "I think the girls are right, I don't think Jenna did it" Said Simmons. "Yeah me to" replied Reid. "I don't I'm still 50/50" Stated Hotch. Alright well Matt, Tara , Rossi, Luke, Reid and I will head to Jenna's School. so lets pair up and see if any of her teachers have noticed any changes over the last few weeks while Hotch, Morgan, Garcia and JJ try to get Jenna to open up." commanded Emily. "Hold on if Jenna was having problems, why wouldn't she have come to me?" ask Reid visibly sad. "She probably didn't want to disappoint you, we all know she puts way to much pressure on herself especially with her plans to graduate early this year." concluded Emily. "Your probably right." agreed Reid. "Reid wait before you go have you noticed any changes in Jenna's behavior theses last couple of weeks?" questioned JJ. "No...wait there was this one thing. I came home early and Jenna was sitting at the table doing her homework and I guess she didn't here me because I put my bag down and she Jump not to mention she always does her homework in her room. I tried to talk to her about it but she just told me she wanted a change of scenery and I didn't push her more. I wish I had, How could I have missed this Emily. she's my daughter, I should've know something was wrong." yelled Reid. "Reid you didn't see anything because see didn't want you too, She knows how we think which means she would know how to Hide things from us." insisted Emily. Reid Nodded as he and Emily walked out the door to headed to Jenna's school.

                                                                     Jenna's school

"Mrs. Johnson my name is Supervisory special agent Emily Prentiss and this is my partner Dr. Spencer Reid where with the FBI behavioral analysis unit and we need to ask you a few questions about one of your students, Jenna Reid." explained Emily as her and Reid held up there badges.

"of course but did you say Spencer Reid, are you Jenna's father?" questioned Mrs. Johnson.

"yes and what can you tell us about Jenna's behavior from the last few weeks?" questioned Reid.

Mrs. Johnson looked at Reid puzzled. "I Mean she's a good kid always on her best behavior." stated Mrs. Johnson.

"That's not quite what I meant. I mean was she acting different like distracted, Jumpy, Happy, Sad, Scared etc." questioned Reid.

Mrs. Johnson thought a moment. "well now that you mention it she did seem distracted and a bit jumpy and even a little paranoid and she stopped turning in her homework and she wasn't finishing her class work. I tried talking to her about it but she just told me everything was fine." said Mrs. Johnson. "You said distracted? distracted how?" questioned Emily. "well she would jump if someone dropped something and every so often she would look around the room almost as if she thought someone was watching her. there was also a incident last weeks ." noted Mrs. Johnson. "what was this incident?" questioned Reid. "we where having a fire drill and I don't know if it scared her of if someone was being mean but I noticed she was having what appeared to be a panic attack, I noticed her best friend Lila was consoling her so I just let her be and when I tried to ask her about it later, she wouldn't talk to me" explained Mrs. Johnson. "Ring" went the school bell as students began pilling into Mrs. Johnson class. "thank you for your time Mrs. Johnson" said Reid as him and Emily walked out of the room. they walked into the hall where they were meet by the rest of the group." so what did Mrs. Johnson say" questioned Luke. "she said Jenna seemed distracted, Jumpy and paranoid." said Reid. "that's what her math teacher Mr. smith said" stated Rossi. "so did her history and law teacher" confirmed Tara. "sociology teacher said the same thing" stated Matt. "all of her teachers are saying the same thing, then there's something she's hiding from us" stated Emily. "oh um her teacher Mrs. Johnson said that last week during a fire drill she had a panic attack but Jenna would talk to her " added Reid. "ok I'm going to call JJ and fell her in maybe she can get Jenna to open up to her" said Emily

hope you enjoyed chapter 5 the next chapter will be up soon. so anyone care to guess what Jenna is hiding?

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