chapter 6

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JJ, Hotch, Morgan and Garcia all sit at the table trying to come up with a plan to get Jenna to open up "we need to get her to open." stated Hotch. "I agree but we need to approach this delicately if we push to much, she'll just shut down again." voiced JJ. "ok". agreed Morgan. "Jenna can you come over here please." asked JJ Sweetly. without saying anything Jenna got up from the couch and walked over and sat down at the table. "Jenna we found this. do you recognize it?" questioned Hotch. Jenna shock her head. really because this is your report card and it looks like you are falling 1 no 2 no 3 no but 4 classes and your almost falling a 5th class, Now Jenna that's not like you to fail a class or get anything lower then a 90 for that matter. so that tells me that somethings going on." profiled Hotch. "Stop profiling me like I'm one of your serial killers!" yelled Jenna. "ok what Hotch means is that this is out of character for you. we also saw the conversation you had with Lila on the back and we could tell something was seriously wrong, Jenna please talk to us we love you and we just wanna help you." pleaded JJ.

Jenna looked up at JJ nervously. "you have to promise you wont be mad." worried Jenna. JJ turns to Hotch and Morgan and they both Nod. "we promise" comforted JJ. "For the last couple weeks I've felt like I'm being watched." admits Jenna. "Jenna why didn't you come to us?" asked JJ concerned. "I thought I was just being paranoid or that I was going crazy." cried Jenna. "Jenna did you every actually see anyone watching you?" questioned Morgan. "No but JJ I'm not crazy" replied Jenna. "No one thinks your crazy." reassured Morgan. "ok lets say for a moment that Jenna was being watched, then Jenna might've been the intended target." theorized Hotch. "Jenna do you know of anyone who might wanna hurt you?" questioned Morgan. "No" replied Jenna. "have you noticed anyone around you who was watching you or just made you feel uncomfortable?" questioned Hotch. "no." answered Jenna. "Jenna when we questioned you the first time we could tell you weren't being entirely truthfully with us, what did you not tell us?" Asked JJ.

"I lied I remembered more then I told you before, I'm sorry." Admitted Jenna. "It okay but now we need to know what you remember." Said Morgan. "I remember meeting up with Lia and we went to get smoothies and we just talked for awhile. when we got up to leave I started to feel a little weird but I just brushed it up and we started walking when we noticed we were being followed, so we ran into a abandoned buildings and that's when it gets fuzzy." Finished Jenna. "ok Jenna we want to do a cognitive interview would that be okay?" Asked Hotch. "ok." Agreed Jenna. "Ok close your eyes and think back you said you were running and you ran into an abandoned building, what happened next?" Questioned Morgan. "We were trying to hide but we couldn't because there was no were to hide and that's when I felt someone grab me from behind but I couldn't do anything and my vision got really blurry. I couldn't even scream and then I think I blacked." explained Jenna. "Do you remember anything else?" Asked JJ. "when I woke up I saw Lia dead and I was covered in blood. I heard you guys coming and I was so scared that I ran and you know the rest" Finished Jenna. "Jenna did you see who attacked you?" asked Morgan. "No but I know it was a women because she said something to me." Replied Jenna. "what did she say Jenna?" asked Hotch. "she said its okay mama's here." replied Jenna.

The team looked at each other wondering if it was possible, but It couldn't be right? "You don't think..?" said Morgan. "No that's impossible, she was executed." Explained JJ. "Garcia see if you can find anything on cat Adams" Commanded Hotch. Jenna looked at the team confused as to who cat Adams was. "oh no guys Cat Adams escaped from prison almost a year ago" Explained Garcia. "it all makes sense now, cat breaks out and tries to kidnap Jenna but Lia got in the way so cat killed her." theorized JJ. "but then why not take Jenna?" Questioned Garcia. "Because Jenna made the perfect fall girl for her and it would keep us off of her sent." Explained Morgan. Jenna see's the picture of cat and then it hits her. "She my biological mom isn't she"? questioned Jenna. "yes she is but Jenna there's more to the story then you know and your dad needs to be the one to explain it to you." replied Hotch.

Before Jenna could say anything she could hear the rest of the team pulling into the drive way. "Please do not tell my dad about my grades." begged Jenna. "He already knows" Said JJ. the team walks in and as Jenna goes to stand up she passes out.

Reid runs over to his daughter whom has now fallen unconscious. "Jenna? wake up" cried Reid as he checks her for a pulse. "she's got a pulse but its weak." reported Reid. "By then Hotch had already grabbed the keys from Simmons and was running towards the car. Reid picked her up as they all headed to the car.

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