chapter 4

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It didn't take them long to reach the tree house and at first they though this was a dead end till they heard a crunching sound. "Jenna?" said Emily as they turned to see her holding on to the rope ladder but before anyone could say anything else Jenna started Running. "Jenna stop we just want to talk." Called Hotch. Reid chased after her grabbing her and knocking her to the ground. Jenna fought back kicking and hitting Reid till he let go and in the process getting his gun. "Let me go" Screamed Jenna as she pointed the gun at Reid. "Jenna give me the gun." commanded Reid. "No" yelled Jenna. The rest of the team runs over guns drawn expect Emily who stopped herself from drawling her gun. "Jenna I know your scared and you feel alone but this is not the way to get away from your problems." said Emily. "Just let me go" Cried Jenna!. "I can't do that but I want to help you and I can't do that until you put the gun down." insisted Emily. "Help me...No your tricking me. I saw the way you all looked at me, you guys think I'm guilty." Screamed Jenna. "No we don't, that's why we called the rest of the team back for one last case. were trying to save you." Explained JJ as she holster her gun. "I don't believe you....I begged you JJ, I begged you not to arrest me and you said nothing. your supposed to be my aunt but instead you were so cold and disgusted with me." Cried Jenna

JJ looked at Jenna feeling so bad, she now wished she would've handled things better. "I'm so sorry I made you feel that way but that's not true. Jenna arresting you was the hardest thing we all had to do. Jenna please let us help you." pleaded JJ. "it wasn't just you JJ. Emily, Tara, my dad did nothing but I still thought Emily might say or do something but she never did. I needed you Emily and you did nothing, you abandoned me, you sent me to jail." Snapped Jenna. Emily stood their stunned not knowing how to respond. it was in that moment she realized how close the two of them had become over the last few years. "Jenna I'm sorry I know I hurt you, and I should've comforted you instead of sending you straight to jail and for that I'm so sorry." Cried Emily. "Your lying." Accused. "No I'm not. I know you don't want to hurt us." Said Emily as she started moving closer to Jenna. "Emily you promise you won't abandon me?" Asked Jenna. "I promise." replied Emily as she took the gun from Jenna and gave it back to Reid.

"I'm Sorry, I'm so sorry" Cried Jenna. "its okay I've got you and I'm not leaving." Promised Emily. "No, No its not I'm to dangerous arrest me and take me to jail." Begged Jenna. "I'm not going to do that because, your not dangerous Jenna. Your just scared and feel alone but your not alone Jenna." Promised Emily. Jenna was still very unsure if she should trust Emily but she pushed that aside as Emily wrapped her arms around her as they all began to walked home. The team was still trying to process what just happened as they walked though the woods. "If I didn't know any better I would think that was a mother and daughter right their." Shared Rossi. "your right I see it to." replied Reid. "Alright Alvez, Tara and morgen you guys stay here and search for any evidence in the tree house. the rest of us will head back.

Jenna and Emily get back to Reid's house and sits on the couch. They don't speak but Emily can tell that Jenna is falling asleep but fighting to stay awake. Emily pulls Jenna into her arms and they just cuddle together. "Its okay Jenna go to sleep you're safe." Comforted Emily as she brushed her fingers thought Jenna hair.

The rest of the team expect Alvez, Tara and morgen arrive back to Reid's house and Emily is pouring over everything again with Garcia. "Shhhh don't wake her, Emily just got her to go to sleep." Said Garcia. "Ok well I grabbed the bag she had with her and it has bunch of clothes, toilettes and books, She was definitely planning to run." Shared JJ. "But then why go to the old treehouse instead of trying to get further away?" Simmons. "maybe she got scared or she planned it." added Hotch. "What? no, there's no way." Insisted Garcia. "I hate to say but her biological mother is a psychopath, so maybe now she's become one herself." implied Hotch. "No, No there's no way, She has shown no signs of that and for you to even implied that hotch its just messed up." Scolded JJ. "Ok hotch is just saying we need to look at this from all angles." Explained Simmons. "No, we are not even going to entertain that idea." Snapped Emily. "Maybe we should, I mean this isn't Jenna. She attacked me and then threaten to shoot me with my own gun." Cried Reid. "Reid, no she's scared and doesn't no who she can trust." Explained JJ. "I don't know what to think anymore." Replied Reid. "You know what fine, you guys work your angle and us girls will work ours." Compromised Garcia. so with that the team went to work.

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