chapter 3

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Hotch and Morgan arrived at Reid's house at about the same time, the team filled them in on what was going on and they both knew getting Jenna to talk wasn't going to be easy. "Where is Jenna?"asked Hotch. "In her room." replied Emily. "I think we should try to talk to her, I mean its been over an hour sense we last tried." suggested Tara. "Ok lets let Hotch and Emily try this time." said JJ. Hotch and Emily walk down the hall and into Jenna's room but when they got there Jenna was gone. "Jenna's gone!" yelled Emily. The team came running in and started searching Reid's house top to bottom but she was gone and the sun was starting to go down and Jenna already had a 1 hour head start. "Garcia start tracking Jenna's phone, While Reid, Prentiss, Morgan, JJ, Luke and I go search for Emma. Simmons, Rossi and Tara start searching thought Jenna's room and see if you can find anything that would give us any indication of where she might have gone." commanded Hotch.

Reid, Prentiss, Morgan, JJ, Luke and Hotch all split into groups of two and start searching the woods behind Reid's House. "Jenna!" They all called out as they searched for her. "Reid can you think of anywhere Jenna might have gone?" questioned JJ as her and Reid searched. "No and I cant believe she would run." replied Reid. "She scared, She doesn't know what she's doing." replied JJ. Reid and JJ kept searching when JJ got a text it was from Garcia. "Garcia says that she tracked Jenna to about where we are and then she just stopped and that was about an hour ago hour ago." said JJ. "Ok then she can be anywhere by now" replied Reid. "We'll find her." Comforted JJ. Reid and JJ continued to search when Reid stepped on something. "Jennifer." Called out Reid as he picked up Jenna's phone. "She most of left it here so we couldn't track her, Smart girl." Said JJ. "Lets get it back to Garcia maybe she can find something on it." Suggested Reid. It was almost completely dark out now. Reid estimated they had about 30 minutes of day light left but still they kept going until the team reunited with each Other. they all agreed to head back to Reid's because it was now completely dark and there was Just to much wood to cover. They got Back to Reid's and Reid gave Garcia Jenna's phone. Tara. Matt and Rossi hadn't found anything but Tara was reading thought Jenna's Journal hoping to find something. "Guys listen to this." says Tara as she begins to read Jenna's last journal entire.

Dear BAU agents

Don't come looking for me, Because I don't want to be found. You guys obviously don't care about me so I'm leaving and never coming back. I know running is going to make me a fugitive but I don't care. I would rather spend the rest of my life running then in prison. I really don't care anymore my life is over. I love you guys even if you don't love me

The team looked at each other knowing they needed to find Jenna and fast. "where could she have gone?" asked JJ. "I don't know." replied Reid. "Come on think Reid there's got to be somewhere she would go, or someone she trusted?" Pushed Simmons. "I really don't know." Replied Reid. "Wait what about the treehouse?" Suggested Alvez. "What about it?" asked Rossi. "Remember when our kids were little they had a treehouse and they said it was their BAU." explained Alevz. "That's right, they used to pretend they were us."Smiled JJ. "Alvez might be on to something. is the tree house still their?" questioned Hotch. "I think so." Replied Reid. "okay lets go see if our girl is their." said Emily. The team grabbed their flashlights and phones and headed back into the very dark woods in search of Jenna

ok this is the end of chapter 3 as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days

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