chapter 8

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         The team arrived back at Reid's house only to notice Reid's front door wide open. "JJ, Garcia stay here with Jenna until we clear the house. "ordered Emily as she, Rossi, Reid, Luke. Matt, Hotch, Tara and Morgan grabbed there ballistics vests and pulled their guns and headed in to clear Reid's houses but as soon as the walked in they saw a montage of photos of Jenna with various members of the team all over the walls. "I'd say Jenna has a stocker." blurted out Morgan. "ya think." replied Hotch. "I'm going to make a call to get a crime scene team down here and also set up a meeting with Cruz to see about getting the charges dropped against Jenna and getting our suspensions lifted." said Emily as she stepped out to make a few calls. " the team quickly cleared the rest of the house and that's when they noticed a video up on Garcia laptop. "The house is clear but Garcia will you please stay outside with Jenna?" asked Reid. "yes." replied Garcia as she watched JJ and Reid head inside. "Jenna was definitely the intended target, you guys need to see this." called out Morgan.

    JJ, Hotch, Tara, Reid, Luke, Matt and Rossi all walked of to the kitchen table. Morgan turned the laptop so everyone could see and then he pressed play. "Hello spence and my darling Jenna and the rest of your dreadfully team. being of sound mind and body I freely confess to murdering my daughters little friend, I didn't mean to kill her, but she got in my way. I was there for Jenna and Jenna only but that little brat got in my way so I killed her but I realized I couldn't take Jenna with me or you guys would figure out I wasn't dead and I couldn't have that so I left her, for the record I didn't mean to frame her. also I was the one who made the anonymous tip that lead you to Jenna, your welcome. give me Jenna and I wont hurt anyone of you but if you don't well I think you know." said Cat. "So I was the target not Lila, Her death is my fault. if I had come to you guys sooner then she would still be alive." cried Jenna. "Jenna you weren't supposed to see that." Replied Reid. "Sorry I tried to stop her from coming in here." Replied Garcia. "Its ok Garcia. Jenna Lila's murder was not your fault, Cat killed her not you. Its cats fault Lila dead not you." comforted JJ. 

"did you guys find anything?" questioned Emily. "yes cat left a video confessing to Lila murder and we know Jenna was the intended target, this was a kidnaping gone wrong." explained Alvez. "Ok I have a meeting with Cruz and the DA in about 30 minutes, so I'm heading to the BAU. Jenna's not safe here, we need to get her somewhere safe until we can get her and Reid into witness protect." advised Emily. "No I'm going into to witness protection I'm not leaving you Emily." cried Jenna. "it would only before a little while until we catch cat." replied Emily. "What if you cant? what if I never see you again?" questioned Jenna. "I wont let that happen, We will catch cat I promise." promised Emily. "You know you cant promise that." replied Jenna. "I know but As long as were all here we will make sure she can't get to you. Jenna hugged Emily not wanting to let her go but she knew she had to

Emily knew as she walked out that door that it could possibly be the last time she saw Jenna for awhile but if that kept her safe then she was ok with that meanwhile The team decide to split up, Rossi would take Jenna, JJ, Reid and Morgan to his house until they could take Jenna somewhere more secure while the rest of the team help CSU go thought the scene and make sure they didn't miss anything. Jenna sat in the back seat of the SUV cuddled up next to JJ as she played with the heart pendent on her necklace. after a very short car ride the team arrived at Rossi house. "Guys look." whispered JJ as she pointed to Jenna who had fallen asleep on her. "Ok I'm going to pick her up and carry her inside." said Morgan. "Just try not to wake her up." added Reid. Morgan carful picked Jenna up and started to carry her inside. Rossi took Morgan to Jenna's room where he careful put her down. all of them quietly left the room so Jenna could sleep.

                                                               2 hours later

    Tara, Hotch, Garcia, Simmons and Alvez arrived at Rossi. "How's Jenna?" questioned Hotch. "I just checked on her see's still asleep." replied Krystal.(for those not far enough in the show Krystall is Rossi wife). "That's good, she needs to sleep." replied Reid. "Dave remember when she was little and we would take care of her while Reid and the team where away on cases and we would watch movies and build blanket forts with her." asked Krystall. "yeah and she would always run up to hugs us and would yell hi grandpa Rossi and grandma Krystall." laughed Rossi. "We really are just one big family." laughed Reid. "That we are Reid, That we are." replied Rossi. "Guys has anyone heard from Emily, she should've been here by now?" questioned JJ. "No but I will call her." replied Garcia but no answer so JJ tried Cruz and after the 3rd ring he picked up. "section chief Cruz this is  SSA Jennifer Jareau have you seen Unit chief Emily Prentiss?" questioned JJ. "She left my office maybe an hour ago after the DA agreed to drop the charges against Jenna as well as all of you being reinstated." replied Cruz. "Are you sure because SSA Prentiss hasn't come back yet? questioned JJ "Yes I'm positive she said she had to get back to Jenna, is SSA Prentiss ok?" asked Cruz concerned. "That's what were trying to find out." replied JJ. "let me know if you find her." ordered Cruz. "will do sir". replied JJ as she hug up. "Garcia track Emily cellphone." ordered JJ. "Emily, Emily help me, Emily". screamed Jenna. "Oh no what do we tell Jenna?" questioned Alvez. "we tell her that Emily got stuck at the BAU and will be back as soon as she can." replied Hotch. "Guys her phone places her in the BAU parking lot." replied Garcia confused. "Ok Garcia, you, Tara and Alvez go to the BAU and see if you can find Emily,the rest of us will stall Jenna as best we can." replied Hotch.

    JJ and Reid walked into Jenna's room to see a visibly terrified Jenna who was hiding under her blankets. "Jenna honey its ok your safe." said Reid as he sat on the bed. "Where's Emily, I want Emily?" cries Jenna. "She's still at the BAU, Her meeting with Cruz is taking longer then expected." explained JJ. "your lying JJ,I know when your lying. where is Emily." asked Jenna angerly. "I told you, she's at the BAU. Jenna still not buying it grabs her phone and calls Emily but Emily doesn't answer. "JJ did something happen to Emily?" questions Jenna. "We don't know, Garcia, Tara and Alvez are heading to the BAU to look for her but I'm sure she's fine Jenna." explained Reid. "We have some good news though, all the charges against you have been dropped, Its almost over Jenna. all we have to do is catch cat." add JJ. "Jenna smiles but JJ knows it fake, she knows Jenna is worried about Emily.


     Garcia, Tara and Alvez had arrived at the BAU and were tracking Emily's phone. "According to the tracker Emily should be right here."informed Garcia. They all looked around and thats when Tara saw Emilys phone on the ground,the screen cracked. "Guys i found Emilys phone but no Emily."worried Tara as she pulled a pair of gloves and a evidence bag out of her pocket. "Garcia can you check security cameras?"asked alvez." Yes who do you think your talking to wonderful husband of mine and father of my children."replied Garcia as she opened her laptop...... "Tara,luke you need to see this its Emily."cried Garcia. "They all watched in horror as cat came up from behind Emily,hit her on the back of the head and throws Emily into the trunk of a car. "Garcia put a silver alert out on Emily and a bolo on the car, Emilys been adducted and i think we all know by who."replied Tara as she pulled out her phone to call Rossi and tell him the bad news.

So things just go interesting,why would cat take Emily? Next chapter will be up as soon as possible!

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