10# gєttíng íntσ trσuвlє (2/2)

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Hellu, hellu! Hope u enjoy!


Lyon Pov :

At 19h I went to the said street in the letter. There was also the old building. I entered it. It was so dark in there.. and empty.

"Hello? I came for my bag!"
No answer.

I decided to walk inside. I looked everywhere. There wasn't any sign of life. I think I was tricked. Tch.


"Who are you?", I asked with a angry voice.
"Oh look, he's pissed! Hahahhaha the little vampire is pissed ahhahahaha!!"
"Yeah! Hahhaha! So..little vampire you are going to your home now!"
"What? What are you talking about?! I'm not a vampire! Let me go and give me my school bag back!"
"But the fun would end soon.. and we don't want that! Hahaha now your going to enter this special box of card that we made for you!"

None's Pov :

The guys who trapped Lyon put him on the large box and closed it. Lyon tried to get out of there. He was starting to feel unconscious. The guys, aka Laxus and Freed just laughed at Lyon. They didn't notice that he could't breath very well. Lyon punched but it didn't help. The only thing he could see was darkness. Laxus and Freed didn't hear anything anymore. They started to panic. They opened the 'bed' and saw a unconscious Lyon. They took the bag away from his head and ran away.


-In the morning-
~At school~

Juvia Pov :

I was in the cantine eating my chocolate cake. I didn't see Lyon today. It's strange. He was perfectly fine yesterday. Did he catch a cold? How boring. But I don't think that happened. What if he was raped?? Omg I'm starting to worry!!

"Juviaa!!", it was Levy.
"Hey.. what's up?"
"It's about Lyon!"
"What happened to him?"
"He was found on a large box uncunscious! He was injured and all! He's in hospital now!"

I stood up, grabbed my school bag and ran to the school's exit. Omg! How could someone do that to him? It's terrible!
I entered the hospital, asked where was Lyon Vastia's room and left.

I knocked on the door.

"Are you alright??!"
"Yeah just a few cuts. That's all."
"That's all? You could die!", tears started to fall from my eyes.
"What are you crying for? I'm here. I'm safe. I didn't..die."

I hugged him.
"But I'm afraid to lose you!"
He didn't answer.

"You can leave now."
"Go to school! You are going to miss classes!"
"No! I don't want to go! I'm going to take care of you!"

Lyon Pov :

"No! I'm going to take care of you!"

What the hell is wrong with this girl?

"I don't need your help. The nurses' help is enough."
"But I want to stay by your side. And I could feed you and all!"

I wiped the tears off her cheeks. I don't want to see her cry. So I guess I have no other choice..

"Okay. You can stay. But I don't want you to feed me... and.. stop crying."
"Hai (Yes)!!", she giggled and smiled at me. How cute. I looked the other way, I didn't want her to see the slight pink blush on my face.

"U-Uhm.. where am I going to sleep? There is no chair.."
"You can sleep with me, in bed."

Her face turned like a tomato. Haha.

"O-Okay..", she whispered but I could hear it.

We talked all the afternoon. I felt comfortable around her and.. loved.

--Time skip--
~At night~

It was getting night. I ate my food and gave some to Juvia. Then was sleep time. She lied on my bed and I put the covers over her sholder. Her back was turned to my side. She turned the lights off and went sleeping, so did I.
I felt her shiver. Is she cold?

"Are you cold?"
"N-No! I-It's fine!"
Tch. Girls..
I put my arm around her. She turned around and snuggled in my chest. I was blushing red. This girl can make me blush.. I think I'm falling for her. But I can't fall in love.


Hope you like it!
I dunno what I should write on the next chappie yet xd

Vote if you want
And until next chappie! <3

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