2# ígnσrєd вч hím

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Hey! This chapter is dedicated to kalliyah12345 and @
dancelover2014 thank you very much for voting!! >u<
And again sry for grammar and spelling mistakes!! :( Hope u enjoy!


Juvia Pov :

After that meeting with our class, I exit the sh*t school with my friends. Lucy isn't coming with us because she's busy talking with Natsu. I smile as I remember that she has a crush on him :)

Because Erza and Levy take the bus, I have to walk home alone . But I see Lyon walking too so I go to him.

"Hey!"... He didn't answer! He pretends like I'm not even here.. as if I'm a ghost! I hate being ignored! My anger fades when I see that he's listening to music. Maybe he didn't hear me because of the music?
I walk in front of him. He stops. I smile at him, I see him taking one headphone out of his ear. He approaches me and breathes in my ear.

"Miss.." I expect him to want to hang out with me but what I hear makes me disappointed.
"Can you please get out of the way? I want to go home." He said with a cold voice.

"E-Ehm wait! I am one of your classmates! I want to know you better! My name is Juvia. Juvia Lockser more precisely.", I take out my hand for him to shake it but he simply walks past me and answers with his cold voice yet again:
"Mine's Lyon."

-What is with this guy? He didn't fell for my charm! Aghhh this is getting me pissed off! Like no boy, really no boy hasn't ever fallen for my charm until today! Grrrr... I am going to stalk you Lyon until I know what you hide behind that emotionless face.


--Time skip--
Morning ☀️

"RIIIIING RIIIING RIIIING", my alarm clock rang.
"F*CK YOU!!!", I yell at the alarm clock that my mom bought me yesterday and smash it on the wall like I do every time.
But I feel happier when I remember Lyon Vastia. "I am going to make you fall for my charm! Without fail!"

--Time skip--
At school~

I enter the hell building and walk to my class. As I'm walking to my class I notice Lyon sitting in a corner, listening to music. Wow, when he said he liked to be alone it wasn't a joke. I walk to him.

"Hey how are you?".. AGAIN IGNORED!!
Lyon just averts his gaze and continues to listen to his rock music. Grrrr..
"I-..", the bell rings. He stands up, walks past me and walks to our classroom.
You could notice that I'm annoyed, because I'm on fire.. I walk to our classroom too and place a fake smile on my face.
-Just wait Lyon Vastia! This will not stay like this- I thought.


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Vote if u want,
And see you on next chapter! <3

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