3# вullíєd вч "thєm"

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I'm sick T^T It sucks! Also thank chu very much for 153 reads!! ^-^ Enjoy the chapter!! >^<


Lucy Pov:

We're having lunch now. I noticed that Juvia isn't talking and is probably thinking about something or someone. Probably about Lyon. That guy is always alone and stares at you with that cold gaze and with those emotionless eyes. He's so handsome, I thought he'd have fangirls.

" Juvia what are you thinking about?" She jumps a little.
"H-huh? Oh ehm nothing, just thinking about..... our last lesson?"
She says uncertan.
"Go tell that to another person! I know that you're thinking about Lyon!"

"Yeah you're right, I'm thinking about him. He's so weird, mysteryous and handsome.. I'm always thinking about him.. and he's the first guy who didn't fall for my charm! When I'm with him somehow my heart starts to beat so fast. And I don't know why but I have this feeling that I want.. NO that I need to know him better and need to be his friend. I don't know why I feel like this.."

Erza, Levy and me looked at her with a "it's so obvious" face.

"It's called L-O-V-E." Erza explains to her.
Levy and me nodded our heads up and down, agreeing with Erza.

"It can't be! It's impossible! I just know him like for about 3 weeks!"
"Everything is possible", Levy says.

Juvia averts her eyes, blushing. I'm surprised because it's the first time that she's blushing because of a guy.

Juvia Pov :

-It can't be true...! Oh what am I saying, I LIKE HIM!!! Even if he's so cold and always ignores me. I always feel nervous around him! It can only be love!-


Lyon Pov :

I'm sitting here alone, listening to music and thinking. Why does this blunette named Juvia always tries to talk to me? Doesn't she see that I don't want to have friends? And even if I'll be friends with her she'll surely get hurt.. like it happened to him...
I miss him...

I am interupted from my thoughts because someone rudely takes off my headphones from me. I turn my head to see who did this. It was Laxus, Freed and Bickslow.

"Yo stony face!", I didn't answer Laxus.
"Hey a**hole he said "yo" so greet him back!", Freed shouts at me but yet again I don't answer. I don't want to get involved with them.
"Do you want to fight, huh?", Bickslow shouts-asks.
"I want you to leave me alone and give me my headphones back.", I say.
"Pff as if we'll do that! Hahahhaha!!"
"Anyways we did sh*t and we told  Alberona-Sensei that it was you who did it. Good luck!"

They give me my headphones back and leave laughing. I look at them in disbelief...

-Time skip-
~In Gildarts' lesson~

"Yes sir?"
"You are getting punished for painting in the school's wall "Fuck you Alberona-Sensei."
"It wasn't me! It was Laxus, Freed and Bickslow who did it!"
"Don't give the responsability to the others! You know very well that it was you! Tomorrow I want you to clean that mess up after classes."
"Ugggghhh", I groan and lean my head on the desk.

~School finished~

I just want to go "home" now. But Juvia grabs my arm, turnes me around and..... hugs me.

"I believe you. I believe that you didn't paint that wall."
"Why would you believe me? I don't even have proof that it wasn't me who painted that wall."
"I... just believe in you."
I pull her off of me and walk away.

-What was that? My heart... skipped a beat when she said that..-


School started and yeah.. I don't have that much time anymore 💩
Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes! Hope you liked the chappie ^-^

Vote if u want and
Until next chappie! <3

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