18# thє truth αвσut grαч fullвuѕtєr

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Hey, so sry for not posting...
I've been really tired since school started. :/ Here's a chapter for you. Oh, I also didn't reread this so if you find a mistake then comment and tell me what it is. Thank you.


Lyon/Gray Pov:

I was walking on the corridor.
Since I went out with Juvia I feel great. She's so sweet. Her face, her mouth, everything about is sweet.

I went inside the restroom for boys.
When I was washing my hands, the doos open and it revealed Juvia.

What is she doing in the boy's restroom???

"What the fuvck? What are you doing??"
"Shut up."

Shw dragged me inside one of the toilet rooms (idk if it's called like that xd), closed the door and started kissing me with such passion that no one could resist but kiss back.

"Doesn't your wound hurt anymore?"
We were out of breath.
"No, it was only a small cut." I chuckled.
"Why did you come here anyway. You're in a boy's restroom you know."
"I know but I missed you so much that I couldn't resist anymore. I had to see you, now. So I came."
"You're one crazy girl you know."
"I'm only crazy for you."
"And I for you."

We started to make out again.


Lucy's Pov:

Should I tell Juvia about Lyon?
No! I mean Gray. How would she react? I don't know. I think it would be the best if Gray told her about it. I'll talk to him.


Well, after classes.


~Lunch break~

I saw Gray eating alone in the canteen. Juvia had an urgent phone call in class and went home. But she'll return when afternoon classes start again.
This is the best time to talk to him!

"Hey Lyon."
He looks up.
"Hey Lucy."
"Can I sit here? I have something to talk with you about."
"Ehm.. sure. Go ahead."

I sat down and looked at him with my most serious expression.

"Why are you lying to Juvia?"
"Huh? I'm not lying about anything to Juvia. What are you talking about?"
"About you being Gray Fullbuster and not Lyon Vastia."

His face expression changed to a shocked one.
He stood up, took my wrist and dragged me behind the school.

"Why do you know that?"
"I did my investigations. So why are you lying to her?"
"You have nothing to do with it."
"Yes I have! She's my friend! I have to protect her!"
"I didn't tell, or rather didn't tell anyone because I can't. It's my secret."
"Yeah well, if you don't tell that secret to Juvia than I will! She has the right to know the truth!"
"NO! Wait! I'm not prepared for this yet..."
"Then prepare yourself! If you don't tell her today, then I will!"

After that said I left him there.


Juvia Pov:

I just made it in time to not miss classes!! Ugh! And I who thought it was important...
My cat destroyed my mom's favorite dress, and so I got yelled at because of it, because it's my cat.

When I entered my classroom I didn't see Lyon in there..
Maybe something happened to him too?

While in my way to my seat I saw that there's a paper on it. I take it and unfold it:

Hey Juvia,
I have something to tell you.
Please meet me at that park we went last time. It's urgent.

Your bf, Lyon.

It's urgent?? Just what happened?! Now I'm nervous.. maybe he wants to break up?
No! I donMt want that!!

Our teacher came in when the bell rang. For now I have to concentrate in classes.


I'm on my way to the park. I'm feeling so nervous. What if he really wants to break up? But we just got together!

I saw him sitting on a bench with his head down. I approached him.

"Hey. So what happened?"
"It's better if you sit down. Ot's going to be a long story."
"Ehm... ok."

So he won't break up with me.

"So what happened Lyon?"
"My name. My real name is Gray Fullbuster, not Lyon Vastia."
"What? I don't understand?!"
"I lied to you about my identity. I've hidden to everyone."
"Why? Why are you pretending to be someone you aren't? Then.. who's Lyon? Where is he?"
"He's dead. Because of me."
"Because of you?"
"Yes. It's all my fault. It all started when he and were going to surf...


Gray: I'm so excited to go sirf today!
Lyon: Are you sure we should go? The waves seem dangerous to me..

Girls are passing by us and I winked at them.

Gray: No problem at all! We can handle this! Or are you afraid? After our surf we can go hang out with the ladies there.
Lyon: Well if you say so... but I don't want to go flirt with the girls.
Gray: Sure. Now let's go!

We went into water. Everything was ok. Until.. one of the waves was too big and pushed us down with itself. (I'm not good at explaining xd) I swam right up again but Lyon... didn't make it.

*end of flashback*

It was all my fault. If I hadn't been stupid and listened to Lyon, then Lyon would still be here."
"But why are you being "Lyon" right now?"
"Because I'm doing the things he couldn't when he was alive. I'm living in name of him. I'm giving him my body. So that he can live, but inside of me."
"How could you have lied to me? I don't know if I can forgive you..."
"No! Please! You're everything what I have left. Please don't leave me too!"
"Answer me this question. Who's in love with me then? Lyon or Gray?"

I didn't answer.

"I'll think about this. If I'll forgive you or not. Give me 1 week to think this through and then I'll give you my answer. Until then, think about your answer for my question too."

She left.


How was it? I know I'm not good but I did my best.

Vote if you liked,
And until next chapter.

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