13# híѕ dєcíѕíσn

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Hey! Today you'll get 2 updates x3


No one's pov:

Since that day the only thing in Lyon's mind was this:

"If you really love me and want to be with me then in the new year eve come to my house!"

He still didn't know if he should go. He doesn't know if he deserves her. After that accident he never let someone approach him.
2 years passed after that horrible day. And just to know that everything was his fault, yes, everything was his fault, no one other's, made him feel pain inside his heart.

But then he thought that he didn't want to be alone anymore. He wanted someone by his side that understands him. He wants to be loved. And it could be good in his act. He would have found a girlfriend for him.

But the thought of her getting hurt made him scared. He doesn't want her to die too. He has been alone all these 2 years. He needs someone. She's that someone.
He needs her, he wants her, he loves her, he cares for her, she's his drug.

Lyon is walking down the street. He enters a shop, goes to the toys and looks for teddys. He wants to give her a cute fluffy teddy. Something cute, like she is.

He found it. The perfect fluffy teddy. A big bear with a heart. He grabbed it and went to pay for it.

After paying the teddy,he started walking to the orphanage.


When he arrived at the orphanage, kids kept on asking him why he had a bear in his hands.
He didn't answer, like always, and blushed a bit because it was embarrassing.

He goes to his bedroom and locks himself in.

He made a decision..

that Juvia Lockser would be his, and only his.


I will update the next chappie in an hour! :) I will write it now xD

Vote if you liked
And until an hour xD

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