12# ín α rєlαtíσnѕhíp σr nσt?

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Hey! Sry for not updating it's just that I'm having a major autor's block...
Sry if this chappie is really bad, I didn't really know what to write.


Autor's pov:

After sharing a kiss, Lyon dragged Juvia into an empty classroom.
They passed the whole break making out, sharing passionate kisses and touching themselves a bit.

When their break finished they went to their dancing lesson.

After their classes it was lunch time. Juvia was with her girl-friends in the cafe of the school. Juvia told them everything that happened between her and Lyon. Her friends were in shock. They never expected Lyon to be a guy that would make out with a girl. 'Cause you know, he pushed everyone away and was always cold with people.

Juvia pov:

I was blushing while telling Erza, Lucy and Levy what happened.

"And are you girlfriend and boyfriend now?", asked Lucy.
"I... don't know.", I said honestly, "We didn't talk while we went to our dancing classes.. but I have a feeling we are..", I said blushing and smiling a little while looking at the ground.
"Well speaking of the devil! He's entering the cafe!", said Levy.
"R-Really??? Do I look ugly??"
"Juvi you look always beautiful!", exclaimed Lucy.

I saw him passing by our table and went to order his food. He didn't even look at me or say something. I stood up picked my things and left my friends to go talk with him.

As he was going to turn around, he looked at me with his usual expression. I tip-toed to him and wanted to give him a kiss but he just took two steps backwards and walked pass me to go eat at a table.

I was shocked and went to his table to sit across him.

"What was that? Why did you avoid me?"

He didn't say anything and ate his meal.

"Didn't anything mean to you what happened in that classroom? Because for me it meant the world! I love you and have feelings for you! Were you playing with my heart?!"

He stopped eating and looked at me.

"I would never do that."
"Then why are you avoiding me after what happened? Don't you have feelings for me?"
"I do have feelings for you. But what happened in that room was a mistake. I shouldn't have do that. You might get hurt being to near to me. You should not talk to me."
"Why? WHY are you always saying that I will get hurt? You know what? Just not being near you hurts me!"

He didn't make any eye contact with me. He just looked the other way, his bangs covering his eyes.

"If you really love me and want to be with me then in the new year eve come to my house!"

I gave him a little piece of paper with my adress.

"You have 1 week time to think. So please think clearly. I'll be waiting for you that night."

And I left.

Autor's pov:

Today was the last day of school and now all the students have holidays.


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And until next chappie.

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