19# thє єхplαnαtíσn

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Hello, you finally reached the end of this story x)
Sry for my late updates, for my spelling+grammar mistakes and being a failure as a writer.
Hope you enjoy the last chapter of this story.


Narrator Pov:

Juvia and Gray haven't talked to each other since she found out about his secret.
Gray tried to talk to her several times but she would never want to listen or excused herself saying that she had other things to do.

2 weeks passed.
3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks...

Until Gray had enough. He missed her. He wanted to talk to her, to cuddle, to kiss, to explain his reason for having lied to her and everyone.

It was the first day of their holiday.
Gray went to Juvia's house. He knocked on her door and waited patiently until she opened the door.

Gray Pov:

Juvia opened the door. She seemed really tired. Maybe she did a sleepless night?

"What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk with you"
"There's nothing to talk about"
"Can I enter?"

She just went to one side and opened the door widely.

"Juvia, we have to talk about my identity, about why I hid my real name."
She sighed. "Ok. I'm tired of running away too. Go ahead, explain yourself."

"It was a day at the beach.  My friend Lyon and me wanted to surf, we had already worn our costume(Idk how it's called) and were training a bit on the sand. The ocean was dangerous and Lyon started to think if we should surf that day. But me, being a playboy at that time, wanted to impression the girls who were looking at us.
We went into water and swam until a wave was coming. We stood ready on our surfboard.
The wave was strong and we fell.
I quickly swam up, but Lyon...
never appeared. He had drown and died that day.
Because of ME. No one other that his friend who was selfish and wanted some girls to think he was cool! Since that day I decided to stop being Gray and continue living as Lyon. I tried to accomplish all Lyon's wishes. To live as Lyon and be him instead of Gray. To make everything so that if Lyon never died. I've been hurt all this time. Just to think that I murdered a friend.."

There was a moment of silence.
Juvia looked at me shocked.

"I..I'm sorry. I'm sorry for thinking that you wanted to trick me. I'm so sorry!"
She started crying and stood up.
She came up to me and hugged me tight. Causing me to start crying too.

"You don't have to apologize! It was my fault in the first place for not telling you. I just really hope that we continue our relationship!"
"Yes! But one more thing. You should stop this. You should stop pretending being Lyon! I'm sure that he isn't mad at you and that he doesn't want you to be doing this."
"I can't.."
"Yes you can! I'll be here for you! I'll support you and give you all the strength you need!"

-Some days later-

Narrator Pov:

Gray started to go to a psychologist and try being "Gray" again. It was a little difficult for him at the beginning but with Juvia beside everything was better.



So here's the end. I know it's shitty. Count this chapter as my new year's gift. Hh

I'll start writing my other story named "Forbidden" again.

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