15# thє ѕtαrt σf σur lσvє

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Hey, hey, hey people. Here's your update :3


Juvia pov:

H-He k-k-k-kissed me!!! Omg!
I'm touching my lips while looking at him all red. He's smiling and has a little pink blushing on his face. Under the sky full of stars, his eyes are shining.

I jumped a little.
"What "why"?"
I pointed my finger to his lips and then to mine.
"Oh. That's why you're all red huh?"
I pouted at him and blushed even more.
"If you want, I can kiss you all night."
He says starting to come close to me.
"W-What's w-wrong with you all of a sudden!!!"
"Nothing, I'm just claiming my girl."
"But I'm not your girl!"
His face is near to mine, our lips inches apart.
"Then from now on, you are."
He kissed me.

First, the kiss was soft. But then it became more passionate.
And because I was in shock, I didn't kiss back but now that I got over it, I kissed him back. Hard, that he even stumbled backwards. Nevertheless he kissed back hard.

We were making out. Omg! It's my first time making out with someone. Sure I kissed my ex but we never made out.

While we were kissing, 3 men passed my house and whistled. Don't they know it's past midnight and everyone's sleeping?

We broke apart from each because of need for air.

"I love you. Please, be mine and only mine. I'm sorry for making you feel like shit and rejecting you, but I was scared."
"Why were you scared?"
"Never mind."
He knelt down and took my hand.
"Juvia Lockser, would you please be Idiot Vastia's girlfriend?"
"Of course I want to be yours!!"
I knelt down to him and hugged him.
He hugged me back.

"But wait, didn't I tell you to come in the New Year's eve and not Christmas day??"
"Yeah." He sighed and his breath on my neck made me shiver.
"But I couldn't wait anymore."
My heart's starting to race.
"I couldn't wait for you to be mine and me to be yours." He whispered.

I didn't know what to say, so I hugged him even tighter and started crying.
I'm so happy! Senpai noticed me!!!

"Hey, why are you crying?"
He pulled away and whipped my tears from my face.
"It's just that I'm so happy."
I smiled at him.
"God, you're so adorably cute."
I blushed red.

"Um do you want to come inside? It's cold here. And you can sleep here if you want."
"Sure. But only if you sleep beside me."
"O-Okay. We'll sleep on the couch."


~In the Morning~

Lucy Pov:

Me, Levy-Chan and Erza were looking at Lyon and Juvia sleeping peacefully on the couch. Since when are they together? I think Lyon isn't a good guy for Juvia. I just.. don't trust him.

"Let's leave a note in the kitchen and leave them here." Levy whispered while writing on a paper.

Soon we sneaked out of Juvia's house.

Lyon pov:

The sun rays made me open a droopy eye. I rub my eyes from sleepiness. I smell something good beside me and notice it's Juvia. I take a bit of her hair and start sniffing her scent. She smells like strawberries and vanilla.

I start playing with her hair until she wakes up. She looks at me with a pink blushed face.

"Morning" She said softly.
"Hey princess. Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. And you prince?" She smiled.
"I slept incredibly well with you beside me." I pecked her lips.
"Want me to make breakfast?"
"I can't wait until I eat your cooking."
"Then wait here. I'll go prepare your breakfast."

She gets up and heads to the kitchen.


So, 'till next chappie!
Love ya! And thank you for 15k+ reads! *^*

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And until next chappie<3

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