14# chríѕtmαѕ

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And this is the 2nd chappie for today :p


Juvia pov:

Today is christmas eve. I'm so excited!!!!! Today I'm going to shop with my girl friends. :)
We're going to buy clothes, jewels and christmas gifts.

Erza, Lucy, Levy and I are going to meet each other in 10 minutes and I still didn't get dress!! F#ck!

I quickly grab some blue jeans, a black top and a black jacket to match with the black top. Then I put black socks and my black vans on. Good! I'm finally dressed!

I look at my clock and THERE ARE ONLY 3 MINUTES LEFT!!

I start running down the stairs, being careful to not to fall down, say goodbye to my mom and dad and go out of my house. The good thing is that our meeting place is about 2 minutes from my house.

Approaching the place, they were all waiting for me. I just made it in time.

"HEEEY JUVIA!!", Erza cried anime tears and hugged me.
"I haven't seen you once in the holidays because you were busy."

Yes I was busy. My mom wanted me to help her with the house and spend more time with her. My father asked me to help him with his work papers because he was having head aches. And like the good girl I am, I made what they wanted.

"Yeah.. I'm sry. But I'm free to be with you now!", I said cheerful.
"Yes finally!", shouted Levy cheerful too.
"Let's get going!", said Lucy.
"HAI!", we all said cheerful.


While shopping I thought of why not buy a gift for Lyon? But I don't know, if he even would accept it. What if not? And what if he doesn't even come in the new year's eve? Better buy him nothing, I think.

"Hey Juvia, what are you spacing out for?", asked me Levy.
"Uhm.. it's nothing..", I smiled at her. She smiled back.

In a clothes shop, I saw a very beautiful dress! (The one in the pic) It was a light blue dress with a flower on the waist. I'm so going to buy it and wear it this evening!!! Erza found a long black dress, Lucy a knee-long baby pink dress and Levy a short orange dress.
We would look so fabulous~~

All of us are going to celebrate the christmas eve at my house. My parents are going to go to a 3 days vacation to Africa.
I just hope that this night will be great^^

After the clothes shop we went to a gift shop. I bought a bracelet with a heart in it for my mother and a men perfume for my father. Lucy bought a video game for Natsu, her now boyfriend, earings for her little sister Wendy, a piercing for her older brother and a watch for her father. Erza bought a box with the season 1 of Black Butler for Jellal, a cute teddy for her little sister Kagura and a necklace for her older sister Minerva. Levy bought a few piercings for Gajeel, a Wii for her older brothers Jet and Droy and a big box with chocolates for her parents.

We wanted to go home when we passed by a flower shop and Lucy and Erza told us to wait for them, they wanted to go buy flowers for their deceased parents.

Lucy bought a bouquet of flowers to put on her mom's grave and Erza bought two bouquets of flowers for her both mom and dad's grave. We passed by the cemetery and then we wend home.

We would meet up later at my house.


Arrived home, I went upstairs to go change myself. I put the new dress on, some light make-up, some perfume and I was already ready.

Then I decorated a little my house with christmas decorations, I put the table and made dinner for us 4.

Right when I finished cooking, the bell rang. I quickly put the meal on the table and rushed to the door.

Opening the door, I saw my girl friends and let them in.

We had a really good time together, laughing and eating together.

Finally midnight came. It surprised me that all my girl friends gave me a gift and I didn't buy anything for them. Sh#it!

"I'm sry I didn't buy anything for you guys!"
"But you already gave us a gift! You made us dinner and let us stay here with you!", said Erza.
Everyone smiled at me and I could only smile back. They're just the best friends everyone would wish for.

Erza, Levy and Lucy went to sleep on my large couch, they were tired, while I was cleaning the table. I suddenly hear someone knock on my door.
Who would knock on someone's door at 1 am??

I went to open the door only to see Lyon. What is he doing here?

"Lyon what a-----"
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, kissing my lips.


"Merry Christmas, Juvia.", he said when he lets go of my lips and I blushed. Hard.


Hope you enjoyed!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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And until next chappie<3

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