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He eventually let go of you and took out his phone, "Right, now to find out where everyone is." He said putting a hand to his face before opening the messages app, "Just text Kiri or something?" You suggested to him. He nodded his head and continued to type a text message for the red haired boy, saying exactly what he was typing out loud. "They are all at Bakugo's dorm. Let's go!" he declared before running off withut you. "Dude, dont leave me!" You yelled to him before sighing and chasing after him to the angry pomeranian's dorm room.

After chasing the surprisingly fast boy down the corridors, the two of you finally made your way to his room. Denki knocked on the door with an excited smile on his face before Sero opened it for him. "Hey Denki, hey (Y/n)," He greeted the two fo you before letting you in. "Girl, come sit next to me," Mina giggled, dragging you to the spot next to her on Bakugo's bed.

"We should play truth or dare!!" Mina exclaimed with excitement in her voice. "That sounds fun," Kirishima gave the girl a toothy smile. "Might be more fun with more people," Denki suggested to the group. "I guess so," Sero agreed with him, "What about you (Y/n), you in?" Mina beamed. "If everyone else is I guess," You gave her a small smile as she squealed in joy.

"I dont wanna play a shitty game with you dumbasses," Bakugo growled at the rest of us. "Come on, man!" Denki whined. "You're playing truth or dare with us and the rest Bakugo," Mina sternly told him before taking her phone from her pocket. "Tch." The ash blonde grunted before turning to properly face the rest of you.

Class 1-A groupchat (1)

Mina: dudes, everyone in the common room as soon as possible :)

Iida: Why? Has something happened? Do I need to inform Aizawa-Sensei?

Denki: chill, man. we just wanna play truth or dare

Mina: i even forced bakugo to play so you are all coming too, i didn't do that for nothing

Kirishima: yeah! so if bakugo is playing everyone should you know?

(Y/n): simp

Tsuyu: huh? *kero

(Y/n): nothing

Mina: n e ways, so who's playing?

Tsuyu: i will *kero

Aoyama: ^



Momo: ^

Mineta: ^

Mina: no.

Mina has kicked Mineta from the chat

Jirou: yeah i'll play whatever

Uraraka: ^

Tokoyami: ^

Hagakure: ^

Oijiro: ^

Shoji: ^

Sato: ^

Koda: ^

Iida: I suppose is everyone else is.

Mina: great see you soon :)

She put he phone back in her pocket and walked up to the door of Bakugo's dorm, "To the common room we go!" She declared whilst pointing her hand in the air in front of her. Everyone stood up from where they sat even Bakugo (although it may have been reluctantly for his case).

Mina lead the group down the corridors before turning suddenly and opening some very tall double doors, which revealed the large room. Almost everyone was there, you guys were some of the last surprisingly.

There was coincidentally a couch free of space, perfect for the six of you to seat yourselves. Even though there was probably enough space, Bakugo thought it was necessary for him to lay down and take over basically the whole couch. You grunted at his antics and rolled your eyes. Kirishima, however, was somehow able to earn a spot with Bakugo, although he did rest his feet on the red head's lap.

The four of you gasped dramatically and sat on the floor infront of him with annoyed faces while he smirked to himself. "Alright!" Mina spoke loudly getting everyones attention onto her, "I'll go first," She grinned while looking around the room. "Tsuyu! Truth or Dare?" She asked the girl who was slightly taken aback from being chosen. "Hm, Truth! *kero," She warily chose before Mina thought to herself at a question, "Have you ever used your tongue to eat a fly?" The pink haired girl chuckled to herself, as did more of the students around you did as well.

"No, of course not *kero," The girl giggled at the question, "So, it's my turn now right? *kero," Tsuyu asked before she said anything else. "Yep!" Mina told her, "Hm," She pondered to herself. "(Y/n)," Your head shot up from the calling of your name, "Truth or Dare, *kero," She asked you with a smile. "Truth?" you said before a series of "ooo"s erupted from the group.

Tsuyu looked around the room pondering at what she was going to tell you to do, "Who was your first kiss?" You looked away due to embarrassment as all eyes were now on you, "Well.." You began slowly. "Come on, tell us!" Mina squealed, "Well, the thing is... I've actually never had my first kiss." You said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "How? You're gorgeous" You heard Momo compliment you from the other couch, slight blush appeared on your cheeks at the comment. "Yeah, she's right," Denki quietly said to himself. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. I suppose it's nice to wait for the right person," Todoroki spoke with a small smile, "Yeah, I guess so," You said clearly wanting to get off the subject.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒 // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now