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It was now the morning and you hadn't had much sleep to say the least. You shut your alarm off from continuously ringing and slumped out of bed and down to the bathroom.

You took a glance at yourself in the mirror and saw that you're eyes were red, puffy and all of the above. You exhaled sorrowfully and turned on the tap of the sink. The water streamed out, breaking the flow from your hands gliding through it. You splashed the water in your face and wiped it down with a towel.

You slouched back in your room and took out your UA uniform, since even though there was a sleepover, school was still the next day.

change of pov

In the common room students had just began waking up and chatting again. Iida was the first to wake up since he went to bed the earliest out of everyone else.

Mina, Uraraka and Sero were awake and sat up on the coach talking until everyone else woke up, until one of them noticed something. Mina looked over to the couch you had supposedly shared with Denki, wanted to call you over to talk. But, all she saw was your belongings leaning on the side of the furniture, your phone resting on the arm of the couch.

Mina slowly stood up and walked over to where she was looking. She cautiously looked behind the couch and around the rest of the room, in case you had just moved during the night. "Mina, what are you doing?" Uraraka asked from behind her. "Do you know where (Y/n) is?" The pink haired girl asked.

"What do you mean? She's right over here-" Her words dragged quietly at the end of her sentence, stopping herself when she didn't see you there. "All of her stuff is here, but she's not," Mina said, visibly concerned for your safety. Worry crossed over Uraraka's face once she began to understand the situation properly.

The two began searching the room more thoroughly, accidently waking up people as they did so. "You damn extra! What the-" Mina placed a finger on Bakugou's lips, shushing him to stop him from yelling. "We are trying to find (Y/n), Bakugou," she sighed.

"What do you mean find (Y/n) are you playing hide and seek or some dumb shit?" He said rubbing his head. "No, I mean that she is physically no where to be seen," Bakugou could sense Mina's seriousness and lifted himself from his bed sheets.

By this point, basically everyone was awake and frantically searching for you. They were, in all honesty, increasingly worried about you and your well-being.

Denki had just lifted his head from his pillow and saw hasty movements from his classmates around the room. "What's happening?" He said rubbing his eyes from the bright lights in the room. "(Y/n)'s missing!" Kirishima said, looking behind couches.

It hadn't actually hit Denki what the boy just said as he had just woken up. "Dude get up and help us look!" Momo said with a worried expression. And, finally, he realised what had happened the previous night. He left her up there on the roof after...she kissed him.

His eyes widened and his breath hitched, before he sank into his seat and sighed to himself.

end of pov

You stepped down the stairs, slowly. Rubbing your head and wincing from the light and your lack of a good nights sleep. You hadn't put that much thought or anything of the sort into what you looked like today, since you simply hadn't had the energy, or motivation to do so in the first place.

Waving a quick goodbye to your dad, you slipped on your shoes and walked out the house, and began making your way to school. You had been against doing so in the first place but Mic had persuaded you to at least try to get through the day today.

It didn't take too long to get to school, and since everyone was still in the common room, you could make your way to class with no distractions. It hadn't even begun to cross your mind that people would be worried or put effort into finding you. You doubted anyone would realise you were gone in the first place.

Eventually, you came across the ridiculously large door to your classroom and pushed it open with little to no effort. Once you had entered the room, you saw Aizawa laid down, asleep in his sleeping bag on the class's floor.

Dryly, you chuckled at him and went to go sit in your normal seat which was originally sat at the front. Then you realised, Denki would be sat too close to you for your likings, it would be way to awkward and unbearable. So, in a way to solve your little problem, you dragged yourself, without any of your belongings, to the back of the class next to where Tokoyami would sit.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒 // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now