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"Sooo," he said, trying to make the conversation less awkward than it already was. "Do you wanna do something? I'm really bored," he whined, sitting up from where he was previously laid down. "I mean, sure I guess. I don't think i'll be able to get back to sleep anyway," you sighed rubbing your head.

"Perfect~" He grinned, grabbing onto your hand with his. "What are you-" You tried to ask before he pulled you out of the common area and started running through the halls with you stumbling behind him.

The corridors were dark and empty, giving a kind of eerie atmosphere before Denki let out mischievous giggles as he dragged you. "Where are we going?" You asked, running out of breath at the speed he was taking you at. "You'll see~" He cooed, continuing to run.

"Just tell me-" You paused, both of you stopping at the bottom of a large flight of stairs infront of you. He continued to grin, slowing his pace and quietly leading you up the tall staircase which lead to the roof of the school. "Are we even allowed to go up here?" You asked, looking around yourself, still being guided by the blonde boy.

"Probably not," he shrugged, speeding up again. "Wait, slow down-" You groaned, following right behind him.

You grunted at the height of the staircase, realising how long it would actually take to get to the top.

The two of you continued to travel up the stairs, him dragging you to hurry to his speed.

Then, you saw a dark coloured door in the distance. A sudden surge of energy burst through you causing you both to run up to the door. To your surprise, it was unlocked and opened relatively easily.

The only light source was from the moon and stars twinkling above your heads. He held your hand tighter and ushered you to sit next to him close to the edge. "Bad time to say I'm afraid of heights?" You chuckled, rubbing the nape of your neck.

"Why did you want to bring me here anyway?" You asked, appreciating the city view infront of you. The tall buildings, the shining lights, the colours, the shimmering stars, it was beautiful. "Well, I just come here to clear my head sometimes. I though it could be nice," he chuckled, admiring all your features as the lights shone down on your face.

You hummed a soft tune with a small, genuine smile creeping onto your face. You turned your head to look at him, only to find he'd been staring at you the whole time. You waved your hand infront of his face as he was completely zoned out. "Denki?" You tilted your head, your eyes staying on they boy's face.

In this light, you could see him in a different perspective. Peaceful. You slowly began to cherish this moment before resting your head on his shoulder, causing him to come back to reality with a small shudder.

"(Y/n)-" You interrupted him before he could finish. You pressed a finger to his lips, "Shh," he quietened slowly, resting his head on the top of yours.

You both looked into the view silently. But not an awkward silence, a comfortable one. One where it wasn't uneasy, but sort of calming.

Closing your eyes, you noticed your hand still holding his. Instead of letting go like you would before, you squeezed it tighter. Denki softly turned his head to look at you, his face feeling hotter and going a deep shade of red. His eyes widened and he copied your actions and squeezed your hand right back, causing you to giggle.

Although you never really liked to express your feelings towards others, you felt a different connection to him. One in which you had never shared with any of your other friends, or anyone at all for that matter. You liked the feeling.

It would send spikes of joy, almost as if your heart was leaping out of your chest whenever you saw him. And slight feelings of anxiousness too. Not a bad kind of anxious feeling, but one that made you have butterflies in your stomach.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒 // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now