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You kept your head resting on Denki's shoulder, loosing your mind in the moment.

It was calm.


And most importantly, it was the moment.

The moment you finally caught a grasp of your actual feelings.

It wasn't something you would necessarily like to admit, but it had to happen at some point.

You took a deep breath and opened your eyes. Looking up, you saw the boy in question. He was staring in amazement at the stars, his eyes reflecting on them. Softly smiling, you lifted your head from his shoulder.

His head almost immediately whipped round to face you, as if you were the only thing in the world that mattered. "What are you doing?" He asked, tilting his head, your hands still twisted together.

You pulled your hand from his. His expression completely changed and a visible frown crept on his face, replacing his kind smile. You shook your head and locked eyes with him, your pupils infected with a feeling of longing dancing in them.

He blushed at the sudden eye contact, his expression still somewhat confused.


'It's now or never I suppose?'

Thoughts of yours were circulating your head like a toy train, trying to decide whether this was the right thing to do.

Over all these years, you'd never felt this way for anyone. At all.

It was relatively hard to place what this strange emotion was at first.


After hours of contemplating what to do and, replaying scenarios in your head when you couldn't sleep. The time was finally now.

You pulled your hand from you side and lifted it to the boy's cheek. Your thumb gently grazed his cheek, a darker shade of red displaying on your cheeks causing you to awkwardly chuckle to yourself.

'(Y/n)'s hand is on my face. (Y/n)'s hand is on my face. (Y/N)'S HAND IS ON MY FACE!' Denki's thoughts ran wild in his head, exciting himself at your mere touch.

You exhaled heavily, preparing yourself.

Your second, spare hand found its was on his other cheek, caressing it lovingly.

'Right. I can do this. Let's get this over with already.'

Once more, you looked in the boy's curious eyes, him longing to know what you were about to do.

You licked your lips, discreetly.

Leaning in.

Stole a quick glance at his lips.

Your soft lips brushed up against his.

You finally did it, you finally kissed him.

His eyes widened. His body frozen in shock. Adjusting himself, he relaxed his face, allowing his eyes to flutter closed. His lips pushed up against yours.

He lifted his hands and ran them through your hair, holding you in his hands. Shock sprung through your entire body, not expecting him to actually accept your feelings towards him or kiss you back at all.

Letting the shock flow away, the pure joy you oh so wanted filled you up. The boy you had liked for so long, not even knowing it, was sharing a kiss with you. You would never have believed it before, but now it was happening. It was really happening.

Not only was this your first kiss, but it was one that you would never forget.

Breaking the moment, Denki suddenly pulled away. His face showing a new expression you hadn't seen on his face before. Regret. Pure fucking regret.

It was like he couldn't even face you. He kept his eyes on the ground and stood up from where he was previously sat next to you.

Before you had chance to utter a single word, he looked at you once last time almost as if he were saying sorry. Then he quickly looked away and paced towards the dark coloured door, not even sparing you a goodbye glance. And just like that, he was gone.

Fucking gone.

He left.

You sat there, all alone, in the very early hours of the morning on your own school's rooftop.

Your eyes became glossy and brimmed with tears. Edging away from roof's extremity, you held your knees tightly in your arms and buried your head in them. It was quite out of character to express emotions as deep as these. But, none the less, tears flowed down your cheeks and into your knees.

You lifted your head and sniffled lightly, looking up at the twinkling stars above your very head. Extending your legs out infront of you, you let them dangle infront of you and off of the roof's edge.

'This is so fucking dumb,' your thoughts rambled to you. You laid your head back down on the floor of the roof. It was cold, uncomfortable and way to hard to lay on. But that wasn't a problem to you, it was better than embarrassing yourself trying to find him by yourself.

Tears continued to roll down your face, covering the already dried up streaks. You had no energy to wipe them away, instead you left them unbothered. Dripping off of your face, slightly wetting the top of your shirt in the process.

"I've really fucked it up this time," you dryly chuckled, biting your lip. You tried your hardest to compose yourself, even though all you wanted to do was scream out in anguish. There wasn't anyone else to talk to, after all Denki was your closest friend and you'd always go to him with your problems.

And now, you simply couldn't do that.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒 // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now