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Over the course of the whole class, your mood just got worse.

Seeing Jirou and Denki acting like a whole ass loving couple just really got to you. They were laughing, giggling, they were even holding each others hands at one point.

Annoying. Right?

You were slumped over on your desk, grumbling inaudible dialogue to yourself. Mina and Sero would check and look at you every so often, making sure you were okay, in a sense.

You wore a discreet scowl, biting your lip.

'Should I make an effort to talk to him?'

You shook your head, dismissing that short thought you had gained. There was probably no way you could get a chance to talk to him with him running off somewhere with Jirou, or making a dumb excuse. Sighing, you turned your head and looked out the large window, seeing some students from other classes training in the arena area. Bird flying beneath the clouds, a peaceful space, one could say so.

Even after all had happened, you couldn't just get rid of the feelings you only recently discovered. For some reason, no matter what he did, you found yourself still, simply, wanting him with you. You thought you were probably being selfish but you didn't really mind, just for him to at least talk to you would be enough for you.

'Why doesn't he just fucking talk to me?'

'Is it really that damn hard?'


Class had just ended and people were now leaving the room to head over to each of their dorms.

Mina and Sero waited at the door for you, talking to each other quietly while they waited.

"(Y/n)!" Mina smiled, latching onto you with a large hug, "How's it going," Sero grinned, patting your head, friendlily. "I'm fine?" You said, smiling back at them, "That sounded more like a question than a statement," Mina replied, still hugging you. You shrugged, uninterested, and continued to walk with them towards the dorms.

"Do you two wanna hang out later with the others?" Sero asked you both, making conversation. "Yeah, of course!" Mina beamed, swinging her arm around your shoulder in a chummy manner, "What about it, (Y/n)?" Sero asked for a second time, "I guess," you accepted.

It wasn't too long before you arrived at the dorms, after all it wasn't a very long walk.

"Kiri's dorm later!" Sero told you both, waving goodbye with one hand in the air. "Bet!" Mina replied with a broad smile.

"(Y/n)? You sure that you're okay?" She asked, nudging your shoulder. "Sure," you yawned, "You really need more sleep, you know that right?" You hummed and continued to walk to your dorm rooms. "We will talk about it later!" She announced, emphasising the 'will' part.

You nodded, not really giving it a second thought, and walked into your room, with, yet another, yawn.


A message came up on the screen of your phone, lighting it up.

Notification from Mina (1)

Mina: be ready! i'll come and get you from your dorm to go to Kiri's in a minute :)

(Y/n): ah, okay. i'll just get dressed now.

You exhaled and stood up off of your bed, before striding towards your closet. Picking out an oversized shirt and sweats, you quickly changed your clothes, throwing your uniform on a random chair in your room.

As she said she would, there was an excited knock banging on your door. You opened the door, still yawning, revealing Mina, grinning ear to ear.

"What's got you so excited?" You tilted your head, confused to why she was even more giddy than usually. "Oh! Nothing!" She continued to beam at you, "Okay?" You responded warily, locking your dorm's door and walking out into the corridor with her.

"You ready?" Mina squealed, you nodded softly before she grabbed your wrist and practically dragged you. "Mina- Wait!" You said, stumbling behind her, "You're running way to fast right now!" You yelped, almost ripping over your own feet.

She then let you go as you panted there, clearly out of breath. "Finally-" You heaved, trying to get your breath back so you didn't look like an idiot. You stood up straight, stretching your back and brushing down you clothes before situating yourself next to Mina.

Knocking on the door, Mina was practically jumping up and down on her toes. It was really confusing as to what had got her all worked up, but you just brushed it off, seeing as you didn't really find it that important to you.

Kirishima opened the door with a toothy grin, and let the two of you inside, "Hey guys! How's it going?" You and Mina continued to converse with him and the two other boys who were already in his dorm room. Bakugo casually telling the rest off us to shut up while he was playing video games on Kirishima's TV and Sero laughing at him. Although Mina and Sero did continue to look at the door every couple minutes, you just ignored it.

Then, there was a short knock at the door before someone opened it from the outside and brought themselves inside. "Hey guys-" The person said, quieting himself as he saw you seated on the bed.

There he was.

To be fair, this was probably the most you'd heard out of him in a couple weeks.

Your face practically fell as a second person joined the room behind him.

Holding tightly onto his hand.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒 // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now