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You wiped the tears spiking your eyes and slowly stood up, trying to regain your balance. The wind pushed you ever so slightly, causing you to huff and roll your eyes. 

You lifted your hands to your head and pushed your hair back with frustration, gripping onto it. Although you couldn't place why, tears continued to stream down your face, blurring your vision. 

It was just some stupid  boy.

Except to you he wasn't. 

He was not only your best friend, but he was your whole world.

You sighed heavily and looked around the roof. Spotting the door in the distance, where Denki had previously left, you ran towards it. Your hair flew behind you, the wind pushing it in many different directions. 

Your hand grasped the door handle and attempted to open it. Nothing happened. You increased your strength, in-case the door was just jammed. Still, nothing. You grunted loudly in anger, now aggressively slamming the handle up and down in a desperate attempt to open it. 

You shuffled your hands down to your pockets and tapped around trying to find your phone, and, of course, you had left it inside when Denki invited your up here.

"Ugh!" You groaned, now scanning the whole roof, trying to find something to get you down in anyway. Its not like you had wings or anything.

You had almost given up all hope, when a metal-looking bar leading off of the roof caught you eye. Eyes widening, you scurried over to it and looked down. A ladder?

"An escape ladder? I guess it makes sense?" You tilted your head, moving your body inline with the escape system. "Am I really doing this right now?" You sighed, being continuously exhausted from being woken up previously. 

Taking a deep breath, you allowed your hands to tightly hold onto the bars, lowering yourself in a position to safely descend. Now you may be thinking, 'Why are you doing this late at night it could be dangerous?' But the truth is, you would much rather do this than put yourself in an embarrassing situation. 

Slowly climbing down, the harsh wind throttled against your skin almost throwing you off guard. You stumbled slightly while subsiding down the ladder, but not enough to make you let go. 

Keeping your body centred between the side rails, you made sure to keep you firm grip and one foot of a bar while the other slowly dropped down the ladder. Although your footwear wasn't exactly appropriate for this activity, it's not as if you could change them on short notice.


Finally, you were at the very end of the escape ladder. Only a small drop and you would be, officially, off of the building. 

You let your grip loose and let yourself fall. You landed crouched on your knees with one hand on the floor so you wouldn't hurt yourself. 

At this point your eyes were red and puffy from heavily crying and your eyes were, still, glossy, partially blurring your vision. 

Now back on the ground, you wiped your face once more and began to run as fast as you could home, even if your knees felt as though they were about to buckle. The wind picked up your hair and your baggy clothes were pushed around. You scolded yourself continuously for your actions and begged for this to be all a stupid dream. You kept wishing and wishing but after all, this was just the consequence for your feelings.

Due to running, it didn't take nearly as long to get home. You forced the door open and pushed yourself through. You felt yourself collapse onto the floor, your pent up emotion spilling out, your frustration, anger and overall anguish. 

Hearing the scene unfold downstairs, Mic found himself rushing down towards you, holding you softly in his arms. "Hey, hey, hey. I'm here. I'm here, what happened? Weren't you supposed to be at school for a sleepover?" He hushed you comfortingly, stroking the back of your head. 

Although wanting to tell your father everything, you found your words inaudible through your cries. Mic's face was a mix of concerned and confused, he wanted to help you but he didn't have any clue of what had happened that night. 

Aizawa would normally be here to help, but he was at school to 'chaperone' the sleepover, even though all he was, was sleeping in the teachers lounge. At first, Mic thought it could be due to overuse of your quirk, but it didn't seem like that after seeing you properly. 

Your head pounded continuously, non stop. 

Although you felt as though you were being dramatic and over exaggerate, you couldn't help acting this way.

𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒 // Denki Kaminari x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now