Chapter 10

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The song comes later into the chapter, I recommend you listen to it while you read this chapter :D

~Previously on Chapter 9~

Luke took his drumsticks and banged his drums, everyone turned silent and looked over at him. "Guys let's stop wasting our time and practice, this is what the music room is for!" He said.

"Luke's right let begin," Hailey said.

~End of Chapter 9~

They made their final note and they stopped. No one said anything about the practice "Well that wasn't that bad," Hailey said trying to bring a conversation from the other, "But we could use some improvement before the competition"

"But the competition is getting closer and closer by the day, how will we be able to be ready in time?" Milly said.

Hailey put the microphone down and sat on a nearby chair. She put her hands against her face, "I'm not sure" She sighed. The bell rang and the band to go to their other classes. Hailey was the last one to leave, she sat down for a few minutes then got up to go to her locker. She closed the door behind her. She took out her earbuds and put them in, as she scrolled on her phone she chose a song to listen to.

Fool By Cavetown
I am just a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great
You are just a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me
I don't know where I'm supposed to go
Oh oh oh oh oh oh-oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh-oh oh

Hailey put her hands in her pockets and sighed, "Too many things keep on distracting me... I need to focus on this, I can't fail, I just can't" Hailey mumbled. 

Call me on the phone at three, I talk to you while half asleep
Complaining 'bout your mother so I take you to the cemetery
Rant to me I like the sound, I like your voice, I like your mouth
Oh, oh

Hailey made it to her locker, as she opened her door a picture of her and her mom was taped up to the side. It was her 8th birthday party, Hailey had a big grin on her face and two braids with little stars at the end, she was wearing a shirt that had the number eight on it and a little party hat on her head. Next to her was her mom, she had her black hair loose, she wore a dark pink jacket that looked like the one Hailey had now and she had her arms wrapped around Hailey. "I promised you I would do it, I said I would make it," Hailey whispered

"Trust me, mom! I'll be a musician, just like you wanted to be!"  Hailey bawled.

The black-haired woman looked at her daughter and smiled. She put her hand against Hailey's cheek and wiped her tears. "Sweetie, I want you to follow what you want, I want you to know that being a musician is something you want to be. I don't want you to do it for me, do it for you." She said.

Hailey looked at her mom, her eyes filled with sadness. She didn't want to leave her mom, the one that showed her the world of music, what it could do, the feelings it could evoke. She didn't want to let go of the person that changed her life. She held her mom's hand and squeezed it tight. "I promise... that no matter what happens to me. I'll let nothing come my way to become a musician, I swear." Hailey said.

Her mom smiled as a tear slowly fell down her cheek. Hailey's dad, Micheal, walked up to Hailey, he put his hand on her shoulder. He looked down at her and gave Hailey a look she understood straight away. As Hailey walked away she slowly let go of her mom's hand and walked out of the room. As the two stayed outside the room, a doctor came to talk to Micheal. Hailey crouched down on the floor and huddled into a ball and tears started falling rapidly down her face. After a while, the doctor went into the room. Micheal looked behind him to see his daughter sitting on the floor crying. He sat down next to her, "Hailey, I have some news to tell you. It's about your mom. If you don't want to hear it right now, I understand" He said.

Hailey sniffed and wiped her tears with her sleeves, "She not going to make it, isn't she?" Hailey croaked. Her dad shook his head, this cause Hailey to cry more. Micheal put her arms around her and comfort Hailey. Soon the doctor came out of the room pushing her mom's bed to take her to a different room. Hailey shot her head up and her mom looked at her and smiled at her. Hailey got up and started running, "Mom!" She wailed. As she ran she tripped and fell to the ground, her dad ran up to her and helped her get back up.

That was the last time she ever saw her mom. Her smile was the last thing she was ever going to see from her.


Hailey grabbed her books for her class and closed her locker. "I'm going to make it I swear" She whispered to herself.

"Hailey? Are you talking to yourself?" A voice asked.

Hailey turned her head and saw her step-brother Zander. 

"Why do you need to know?" She asked.

"Because something seems up with you." Zander said, "You've been distracted more lately, is something wrong?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it I'm fine" Hailey quickly replied.

"You know lying to yourself isn't healthy," Zander said

"I said I'm fine" She snapped.

Then Hailey turned around and walked away to her next class, Zander sighed knowing whatever was bugging her wasn't going to come out. She tends to bottle up her feelings and focus on other stuff like the band competition or making song lyrics. It was like her escape from reality, but this issue seemed worse because she'd be able to focus on music stuff whenever something was bugging her but it seems as if she couldn't focus on anything at all. 

Hailey made it to her class and she sat down at her seat. She put her books aside on her desk, she took out her notebook and homework from yesterday. Drew was sitting a few rows behind her, so he took a piece of paper and scribble something on it, (Next thing you know it's a love letter) he crumbled it up and threw it at Hailey. Hailey felt something hit her from behind and she looked down noticing a piece of paper on the floor. She picked it up and opened it, after reading it she crumbled it up and looked behind her, she noticed that Drew was snickering. She was tempted to get up and say something back to Drew or even hit him, but she kept her cool and stayed seated. 

Sadie, who sat next to her, noticed what happened, "You good?" She asked quietly expecting Hailey not to end up hearing her.

Hailey sighed and looked up at the ceiling, "Nothing, it's just people bugging me like always." she responded.

Soon the class ended and Hailey went back to her locker to put her things away and pack up her things to go home. She met up with Luke and Zander at the front door and they walked to their houses. They made it to a small blue, one-story house (the reason it's small is that Luke lives with his mom, I'm thinking he should have a sibling but I'm still thinking about that). Luke waved bye and went inside his house. As Zander and Hailey walked to their house, Zander told Hailey what happened in his classes and stuff that pissed him off on that particular day. Zander noticed that Hailey had been quiet, so he asked her what was wrong, but she just told him that everything was okay.

Soon they made it to their house. Zander took the house key out of his bag and unlocked the door. As they opened the door, their little sister, Bethany, came running up to them both. 

"Hailey! Zandy!" The little girl squealed as she made it to them. She started jumping around in excitement.

"Hi, Bethany!" Hailey said, "You seem quite happy today. Did something happen?"

"I finished my first music piece! All by myself!"

"That's great, make sure to show us later though, I bet it's going to be amazing"

A/N: Hi everyone! It's been quite some time since I last updated this book, sorry for the wait. I've been really busy and lost motivation for this book, so I stopped writing for a while and worked on some other stories. I plan to work on two more story ideas I have TMF wise and then I might stop writing TMF fanfics, if I change my mind I might write a few more but I'll keep writing more one-shots. Sorry, this was such a short chapter, I ended up losing around half of my progress a while back and I didn't have the energy to rewrite it so I stopped here and decided to publish this. Once again sorry for the wait, hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Also, the ending of the book (in my opinion) isn't great because I rushed that part to get this chapter out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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