Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2...

"What are you going to do about your friends?" Milly asked

"I not sure"

"You'll think of something" Sean said

"Just don't take to long" Milly said

"I think I have an Idea" Jake said thinking

"What is it?" Milly asked

~End of Chapter 2~

"It might work" Milly said

"Hey, have you seen Hailey?" Jake asked

"Really? Your worried about Hailey when we're trying to discuss the plan. Wait a minute..."


"You like her?!?"

"W-what! How come you think that?"

"Your wondering where she is when we were trying to discuss the plan, it's quite obvious that you like her"

"Let's just talk about something else"



After Jake's conversation with Milly and Sean, he decided to go look for Hailey. He found a door with a sign that said Hailey's Room with some music notes around it. 

He opened the door just a little to peek inside. He saw Hailey lying in her bed, writing in a notebook, and humming. 

Hailey looked up and saw Jake standing there at the door watching her.

"W-what are you doing here!?!" Hailey exclaimed 

"I was looking for you." Jake said

"Well you found me, What do you want?"

"What are you writing?" Jake asked placing himself on the bed


"Let me see"

Before Hailey gave him the notebook, Jake took it from her hands


"What's this for?"

"Just for fun, I like writing songs in my spare time."

"It's really good"


"I have an Idea!"


"Why don't we sing it!"

"I don't kn-"




~After the song~

"Wow, your good!" Jake said

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