Chapter 5

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~Previsoly on Chapter 4~

"That was great!" Milly said

"Yeah, we should have this for the competition!" Sean said

"Let's do it" Luke said

"Fine" Zander sighed

~End of Chapter 4~

"So it's set then, we have our song!" Milly exclaimed

"Now we need to learn how to play it" Luke said walking over to his drums

"Then let's get to learning" Milly said grabbing her guitar


"Hailey" Zander said

"Yes?" Hailey asked

"What do you think of Jake?"

"What do you mean?"

"I MEAN what is he to you"

"He's a good friend"

"You like him don't you?"

"W-why would you say?!"

"Well it seems like you do"

"No, no I don't!"

Jake (Who was near) overheard the conversation

He slammed his locker door and walked away crumbling the flower in his hand

I'm an idiot Jake thought She would never like me

~At the music room~

"Okay let's start practicing, the competition is soon" Hailey said

When they were practicing Jake kept messing up, he just couldn't handle the heartbreak

Hailey and the others notice that he kept messing up with the lyrics

"Okay let's just take a break" Hailey said

Hailey walked over to Jake, who was looking upset

"Jake... can we talk outside?" Hailey asked

"Okay" Jake said quietly

"You keep messing up" Hailey said

"Sorry" Jake mumbled

"What's wrong?" Hailey asked

"I don't wanna talk about it" Jake said

"Well if it's messing up practice then you have to tell us, we can help"


Tears started to fall down from Jake's face


"Just leave me alone for now" Jake said walking away

Hailey was left standing near the door

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