Chapter 9

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~Previously on Chapter 8~

"Jake?" A voice said

Jake turned his head and saw-

~End of Chapter 8~

Jake turned his head and saw Daisy

(Good job if you guessed right, I mean it was quite easy)

"Oh hi, Daisy," Jake said

He quickly sat up and plastered a fake smile on his face

"What happened?" Daisy asked in a concerned tone

"What do you mean?" Jake asked nervously 

"I heard you singing, and you sounded pretty sad..."

Jake looked down at the ground, he didn't answer the question instead he looked back at Daisy.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked

"Oh... I'm just clearing my mind. I like it up here it's a nice view" 

"Daisy..." Jake began

Daisy looked curious "Yeah?"

Jake hesitated to tell Daisy for a moment but he knew it would be good to tell someone. "Apparently someone went on my Instagram story and posted something horrible about the band"

Daisy cover her mouth with her hand and gasped. "Oh my"

"But I swear I wasn't me but..." Jake sniffed and wiped away a tear.

"But what?" Daisy asked.

"But the others don't seem to believe me," Jake said "I'm sorry for dumping my issues on you" 

"It's okay I here to help"

"Thank you, Daisy. I don't what I could do without you"

"Your welcome, Jake"

The two stayed silent for a while until Daisy had an idea.

"Maybe... I can help you find the person that did this!" Daisy exclaimed

Jake shot his head up quickly "You can?" Jake said


"I don't wanna bug you with my issues it's fine"

Daisy crossed her arms and frowned.

"No, it's not fine, I'm helping you"

Jake looked at Daisy and smiled, he felt glad someone was on his side.


"No problem"


Near the staircase Drew, Liam, and Henry were talking. "I can't believe they feel for that!" Drew snickered

"Well it did seem pretty believable," Liam said, Drew nodded in agreement.

"We did good though"

"Yup, let's see if those freaks can trust him now"

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