Chapter 8

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~Previously on Chapter 7~

"Hailey!" Zander said shaking Hailey

Hailey yawned and woke up


"I need help!"

"With what?"

"With..uh.. nevermind"


~End of Chapter 7~

Hailey got up out of her bed and got ready for the rest of the day.

She picked up the note that was laying on her desk

Should I go?  Hailey thought

She didn't know if this was a joke or not

She put the note back on her desk and left her room. 

~At Clozy Park~

Hailey found a park bench and sat down looking up in the sky waiting for Jake to come.


Hailey picked up her phone and saw a message

Jake- Sorry couldn't come, something popped up

Hailey- Oh it's okay

Jake- Thanks!

Hailey decided to walk back home

When Hailey walked into the house she saw Zander paceing back and forth

"What's up with you?" Haliey asked

"Just thinking" Zander relpiled


Ding Dong

"I'll get it!" Hailey shouted

She walked up to door excepting her package to arrive but instead saw Luke

"Hey Luke."

"Hey, is Zander here?"

"Yep I'll go get him"

This must be what he was so nervous about 

"Zander!" Hailey said walking into his room

"What do you want now?" Zander asked

"Your date's here"


"Luke you idiot!"

"How did you know?!"

"Because Luke wouldn't dress up nice, and your dressed nice too. Luke's here and now when I put it all together then it means you going out" Hailey said smirking

Zander walked out of his room and to the door

"Have fun!" Hailey shouted

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