Chapter 2

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This chapter mostly contains Lander :>

4 days till the competition 

"Ah! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking- oh it's you." Hailey said

"Surprised to see me, princess?" Jake said as he picked up the books Hailey dropped

Hailey was furious, Jake was acting like he did nothing wrong.

"You know what you did." Hailey said

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Zander heard that you were going to quit the club after the competition, and you were only using the club to get with Daisy!"

"Hailey it's not what it seems like... I can explain, please."

"So you're saying Zander lying... Just leave me alone I don't want to talk to you."

As Hailey walked away, Jake felt upset

He wanted to tell Hailey the truth but she wouldn't believe him


P.S. The practice was at the end of the school. Just so you know

"Has anyone seen Luke?" Zander asked

"Didn't you find him yesterday?" Hailey asked

"I didn't"

"I saw him probably once or twice" Milly said

"Is he okay?"

"He looked pretty down."

"It's all my fault" Zander said looking like he was about to cry

"No, it isn't" Hailey said hugging Zander

"Yes, it is!" Zander said pushing away Hailey "It's all my fault! I'm going to go look for him"

"Hello everyone" Jake said walking in as Zander walked out of the music room

"Is Zander okay?" Jake asked

"He's going to find Luke." Hailey said

"So are we going to practice without them?"

"Who knows how long it will take so, yeah."

~With Zander~

"Excuse me, Ma'am." Zander said

"Yes?" Said the desk lady

"Do you know where Luke is?"

"Oh yes, I do."

"Great! Where is he?"

"Oh he's in the nurse's office"

"What happened?"

"A boy named Elliot found him lying on the floor so he brought him here."

"Can I see him?"

"Sure you can!"

Zander was worried sick about Luke and he really hoped he would be alright

As Zander walked in he saw Luke lying on the cot, he had an eyepatch and bruises.

"No..." Zander said choking back tears

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