Chapter 7

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~Previously on Chapter 6~

Jake was glad, everyone was happy that he came back.

Everyone but Hailey

She didn't look that happy, but not mad.

She looked sad, he just hoped the plan was going to work.

They all decided to practice and then just relax and talk.

When they finished practicing Jake decided to talk to Hailey.

"Hey Hailey" Jake said walking over to her

"What..." She said

Jake looked at Hailey, who was looking in a different direction

"I want you to read this when you can" He said as he put a piece of paper in her hand

Jake smiled and walked back to the others.

~End of Chapter 6~

As Hailey went to her locker, she pulled out the note from her pocket

She looked at for a while, and then decide to open it.

Meet me at the Clozy park Saturday, 2:00 -- Jake

Hailey folded it back up and placed it in her bag

She took her stuff from her locker and went to the front of the school to wait for Luke and Zander

"What took you so long!?" Hailey asked as she spotted Luke and Zander 

"We have stuff we need to get to" Zander said

"Yeah yeah, let's just go"

As they were walking home, Hailey was stuck third-wheeling because Zander and Luke kept on talking.

Soon Hailey took out her phone and decided to text Milly

Hailey- Hey

Milly- Hello!

Hailey- You busy?

Milly- No

Hailey- Good! Can I come over?

Milly- Sure

Hailey- Great I'll be there soon

"I'm going to Milly's House" Hailey said to the two

"Oh okay, bye" Luke said

~At Milly's house~

"Hailey!" Milly said as she opened up the door

"Hi" Hailey said

"Why you wanna come over?" Milly asked

"I didn't wanna stay with Zander and Luke, I've third-wheeled to much in my life with those two"

"Well let head to my room"

The two went to Milly's room, as Hailey dropped her bag down the note from inside fell out

"Hey what's that?" Milly asked picking up the note

"What are-" 

Hailey stopped talking because she saw that it was the note from Jake

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