Adolescence Is A Curse Apparently

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A/N: OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER so another annoying note- The song of the chapter is Caring Is Creepy by The Shins (one of my favorites)
also.... I love you all for reading the trash that I write and for putting up with my weird updating patterns and PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR BEING A SUCKY WRITER
Troye's POV
I answered my phone immediately because there were consequences if you ignored the leaders of the fricking union for assassins.
"L.K.M. Troye Sivan, your immediate presence at the council is requested. Report to the underground ASAP." then the voice ended abruptly and hung up.
After the dial tone, I snapped the phone shut and stood up from the table.
Tossing my coffee cup in the trash can, I pushed open the door and left the Starbucks. I weaved my way around people on the sidewalk and made it to the alley behind the line of shops.
There was a covered manhole half-hidden by a garbage can about 100 feet into the alleyway. The narrow passage was strewn with trash and wrappers and I'm pretty sure that once in awhile you could find a dealer or lady of the night hanging around out here. It was that kind of place.
Kicking the rubbish out of the way, I pushed aside the garbage can and lifted the heavy, metal cover off of the manhole that lead into the sewers. I crouched down and slid into the opening, pulling the cover back over the manhole as I went down the ladder.
"Damnit. A few rich, crotchety old guys and we can't get a door down here?" I muttered to no one in particular. There was a definite lack of light down here. I let go of the ladder and dropped down to the damp, moldy floor. My eyes adjusted quickly to the dark due to years of nighttime scouting.
To my left there was a stone passageway that lead to the main sewers and to my right lied an even more enclosed path than the one I was standing in. I followed the right and as I came to a supposed dead end, I pulled on a loose brick in the wall and a section of the corridor slid back to reveal a doorway.
"Why can't anything be simple with these people?" I sighed. Stepping forward, I reached to grab the dial on the rusting, metal door. I twisted it until the combination unlocked the giant vault. The door creaked as it swung open slowly.
Shuffling inside, my eyes had to readjust to the light. I blinked my eyes a few times and took in the enormity of the room. It was about the size of a Walmart or some other huge grocery store and the lengthy walls were artful stone and silvery tile. Did I forget to mention it was crowded? There must have been two thousand people here, walking into elevators that lead deeper down in the underground building and filing in front of desks that were scattered around the floorspace.
A titan-sized guard stopped me as I made my way to the front desk. He glared down at me with his muscle-bulked arms crossed over his chest that strained his black button down shirt. He peered down as if I was an insect he could crush and growled, "Badge."
I yanked on the low collar of my shirt and pulled it down to reveal a tattoo of a crescent moon pierced by two daggers from its side. On the underside of the ink was scrawled 'Omnis Iste Fregri Somni' (this might be incorrect sorry I don't speak Latin) which roughy translated to "Men That Break Dreams". What lovely words to live by... yeah right.
The guard gave me an almost imperceptible nod and I straightened my shirt and strode to the front desk, my coat fluttering behind me. A secretary sat there, reading some sort of novel and barely paid me a glance.
"Name?" she asked, sounding even more done with her job than I was. She never looked up.
"Troye Sivan- L.K.M- freelance." I muttered and she pressed a button on her intercom-phone thing and it buzzed. She slightly turned to me and deadpanned-
"The council will see you now."
A/N: so I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy the chapter, I know it was kind of boring but it was a filler and I suck
remember to vote and comment if you did enjoy it and answer the question of the chapter/day!
QOTD: what do you think the council wants??
luv ya guys!
-anonymoose (the author who needs to destroy writers block)

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