Pretentious Coffee Shops and Invitational Letters

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A/N: I wanted to let you guys know that I would love to see edits or pictures made by you guys cause I kinda don't know what you guys think of the fic so far! So please feel free to send them to me! Song of the chapter is Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club and thank you all so much for over 800 reads and over 100 votes!!!!
enjoy <3!
Tyler's POV
It was Friday, one day after the funeral. One day after I resolved to get that no good bastard who killed my best friend. I hadn't slept last night, at all. I was running on coffee and sugary energy drinks that tasted like recycled fruit punch. Underneath all that anger and fury, however, still remained pain and anguish for the friend I had lost. I was in denial. I thought that maybe if I avenged him, I could redeem myself in his eyes. My mom had been staying with me for the past 2 days after she had flown in for Korey's funeral. She told me that I needed to get out of the house when I all wanted to do was curl up under my blankets, listen to Taylor Swift, and cry for hours on end. She all but kicked me out of the house unless I agreed to take a walk. I grabbed my jacket and stepped out the door.
After walking for approximately half an hour, I found myself on a main street in front of a Starbucks. Digging around in my pocket, I found a five dollar bill and about $4 in change. I shuffled into the coffee shop and found myself in line behind 4 other people. Two of the people seemed to be a couple laughing, holding hands, and being all in all pretty touchy-feely. I scowled to myself, any bit of joyfulness I seemed to find teeming outside only made me irritated and brought me pain.
The guy in front of me appeared to feel the same way I did. He sighed in disgust and turned to me,
"Can you believe this? PDA grosses me out." He gazed at me expectantly.
I nodded, "I can't say I disagree, save it for Valentine's Day people." He chuckled and turned back around. Paying for his coffee, the barista asked him for a phone number, and he answered,
"Sorry, honey, I don't walk that way." Then he whipped his head to me as I snickered and he winked jokingly. I couldn't deny it though, he was pretty good looking, but not in a traditional sense. He was tall and lanky, pretty pale, and he wore these shoes that I was pretty sure were for women, platform converse.
The mystery guy grabbed his coffee and sat down at a table. I stepped up to order mine and shuffled aside to wait for it to be made. When they called my name, I went up and grabbed my caffeinated drink to-go. As I was on my way out, the guy with the converse pulled on my sleeve and slid a small slip of paper into my hand. I peered down at the digits on my palm and grinned.
"Text me some time, Tyler." He said smugly, "you seem like a cool guy."
Then he let go of my jacket and winked before turning back to his coffee and I silently cheered in my head. I sauntered out of the Starbucks with a look of victory.
Reality hit me, I was here flirting with some guy in a coffee shop while my best friend was buried under 6 feet deep. I choked on air and had to sit down on a bench a few stores down the street. When I finally calmed down enough to walk, I stood up and started heading back to the direction of my home.
Before I stepped up to my door, I reached over to check my mailbox. Inside were a few adverts, a newspaper, and an envelope.
Tucking all of them under my arm, I unlocked my door and walked inside. I set the mail on the table, but grabbed the envelope. My mom saw me come in and greeted me,
"Hey, honey, did that walk help you clear your head a bit? You were gone for quite awhile."
"Yeah, I stopped for a coffee." I stated. She smiled understandingly and turned back to cooking in the kitchen.
I made my way into my room and fell back onto my bed and sighed. It was like my whole world was turned on its head, nothing seemed right. Sitting up, I pulled out the mysterious envelope and turned it over for the sender, but found none.
Tyler Oakley
was the only thing addressing it to me. It must have been hand delivered. I carefully ripped it open and pulled out a card with a photo of two masks on the front. I flipped open the card and read as follows:
Dear Mr. Oakley,
You are humbly invited to the annual Los Angeles Shop Owner's Association masquerade ball. There will be dancing, a feast, and much more. We hope you will attend. The party is to be held at Lockcross Banquet Hall on Holdover Avenue.
I sighed again, every year the shop union invited Korey and I to their giant, fancy party and we went with matching costumes. This would be the first year I wouldn't go. I mean, I couldn't, that would be like betraying Korey, right?
What did it matter anyways?
Nothing mattered without my best friend by my side.
A/N: well that was a surprise XD so Tyler and Troye finally meet... you'll get Troye's POV in the next chapter >:)
Remember to vote and comment if you enjoyed the chapter! Notify me of any grammar or spelling mistakes so I can fix them!
QOTD: Was their meeting really an accident?
Luv ya guys!
-anonymoose (who has been waiting for this chapter for quite awhile...)

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