Radio Silence

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quick A/N: so I'll be switching pov's between Troye and Tyler most often but this chapter is Korey's pov, enjoy this chapter and the Troyler gif on the side ;)
Korey's POV
It was finally time to close the boutique for the day when a final customer walked in and I was alerted by the jingle bells on the door. He walked in and gave me a smile, but it appeared a bit forced. Running his gloved fingers through his perfectly-quiffed hair, he gracefully maneuvered around carts, racks, and tables looking through the clothing.
While he was rummaging, I received a text from Tyler telling me to remember to lock up later. I replied, laughing. I never got bored of messing with him. Straightening my bowtie, which was covered in tiny cats, I walked nearer to where I last saw the customer.
Suddenly, all the lights in the store went out. The room was pitch black and the silence was eerie and abysmal.
"Sir, are you alright?" I called trying to find my way to the light switch, "The power seems to have gone out. I think I have a flashlight at the front check out in our emergency kit. Just wait one moment."
All I received was my echo. I had the feeling that this was no accident. Was this a robbery? Some kind of heist? My heart fell into the pit of my stomach.
"Sir...? Uh, are you okay? Because I do not have the insurance to pay for a dead guy," I nervously chuckled, "umm well I think I'm gonna go now..."
I briskly walked in the direction of the main entrance, but when I reached out and my hands found the handle, it was locked. My adrenaline kicked in and my heart was beating wayyyyy faster than humanly possible. I was trapped. In my own store.
I stuck my hand in the pocket of my black skinny jeans and fumbled, trying to pull out my phone. I needed 9-11. I needed someone, anyone!
I pulled my hand out my pocket, but I accidentally flung my phone across the dark room as the fabric of my pants resisted my struggle.
Oh no, nonononono. I didn't want to think about it, but that was most definitely my phone. Oh no.
"Oh, I'm sorry, that must have been important to you. Gosh, I'm so clumsy," echoed a monotone, sarcastic voice around the room, "you'll have to forgive me. I'm not feeling all that well, but don't worry it's not contagious. And anyways, you won't be feeling much of anything quite soon, hahahahaha."
My eyes started tearing up and panic settled in. He was going to kill me! Oh gosh, what about Tyler. He would be heartbroken, he'd have to close up the Riviera!
I looked around for an exit so quickly, I might have gotten whiplash. There was nowhere. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
I suddenly felt breathing on the back on my neck. The last words I heard were
"Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life, cuts off so many years of fearing death." the voice resonated off the walls, "That's Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, you know?" Then he ran me cleanly through the heart with a sword.

Having Troye kill Korey was a big plot development and I didn't want to! Please don't kill me guys!!!
QOTD: What should Tyler wear in the next chapter?
Remember to comment and vote if you like the chapter! Luv ya guys!!
-anonymoose (who hopes her readers don't start a mutiny)

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