-Has Its Thorns?

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A/N: Because I love you all, I decided to give you another chapter filled with my joy because people are actually reading it... <3
Tyler's POV
After Sheriff Murdock had hung up, I raced to my car and drove down to the boutique. As I neared it, I was blinded by the number of flashing blue and red lights. There were ambulances, police cars, and oh god no... a coroner's truck.
This was a living nightmare.
Finally finding somewhere to park, I jumped out of my car and dashed through the crowd of neighbors to reach the crime scene tape. The sheriff glanced my direction and waved to the officers to let me in. He walked over to me in a way that clearly said he had bad news.
"Mr. Oakley-"
"It's Tyler." I interrupted.
"Mr. Oakley, you have now become a part of this investigation," he stated firmly, "and I have some grave news. It seems that there has been a murder in your establishment. The victim seems to have been your associate, Mr. Kuhl."
I choked.
Korey really was gone? Oh god no, no no no no no no no. I refused to believe anything, I was in total shock. What was I going to do without my best friend? How would I survive?
"W-What happened? Who did this? Why? Why here? Why now? Why him? Why Korey?" questions poured out of my mouth through a heavy flow (A/N: heh heavy flow heh I'm so immature.) of tears.
Sheriff Murdock's face seemed to cover itself in a veil of coldness. He motioned for me to follow him and I did with slow, shaky steps because my legs refused to move. When we reached a quiet area, he continued, "You have heard about the killings on the news, correct?" I nodded slowly.
"They aren't as random or sloppy as the papers say. These murders were more like assassinations." I stood in front of him, confused. Assassins were something in a video game and stories, right?
"Though this assassin seems to leave no evidence of him or her ever being at any of the crime scenes and we could find no fingerprints, no damage to the surroundings, no forced entries; no evidence whatsoever.... except one thing."
I stood mortified as I waited for him to finish. A silent and almost nonexistent killer was in our midst?!
The sheriff continued, "At every crime scene we find the body in a peculiar way. They are laying down with their hands crossed over their chests and holding a pure red rose. As if the victims were part of some sick twisted love story. Did you happen to receive any warnings or threats prior to this- this ah tragedy?" My eyes were wide with fear and confusion. I was pretty sure I looked like a deer in headlights. Threat, warnings? Oh no, he means the phone call...
"Sheriff, right before you called me, a strange phone call came in and I'm pretty sure it was the killer." I stammered trying not to cry in front of him. He looked burdened and weirdly sympathetic.
He started, "Mr. Oakley, ah I don't know how to tell you this with out creating a panic, but every victim so far has reported a strange phone call mere days before they were murdered."
Now my brain was in a downward spiral of dread and fright. In the midst of my almost breakdown, I knew I had to ask the question.
"Sheriff Murdock, how long do I have?"
He looked startled and fidgety, which was awkward for a man of his size.
"Well, all the victims reported their calls in a period of 3 days to 3 weeks before their death. So at most, you have about a month." He finished and then received a transmission from his walkie talkie.
-Buzzzt- "Sir, we think we found something. It looks like an iPhone, but it's hard to tell with the broken screen and glass. There is a sticker of a heart that says 'twink' written on it in sharpie." -Buzzzt-
The sheriff peered at me and I gasped. That was the sticker I put on Korey's iPhone yesterday just to mess with him. Oh god, the horror and sorrow flooded back to me.
-Buzzzt- "Sir, we also found something strange. It seems that all the thorns on the rose's stem were removed with great precision." -Buzzzt-
"You have my deepest sympathies Mr. Oakley, but I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave the scene now so my men can finish the investigation." he stated and walked me to the tape again and I headed to my car.
As soon as I pulled out, tears flooded my eyes and my body was wracked with sobs. It was a miracle I even made it back to my house without crashing. When I was inside I ran to my bed and flopped down and clenched the blankets in my fists. That night, for the second time in my life, I cried myself to sleep; thinking only of the best friend I had lost without even telling him how much he meant to me.
A/N: well the feelz are great with this one...
anyone else feel like this isn't Christmas Eve?
well I luv you guys and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, remember to comment and vote if you want to and tell me if I made any mistakes (grammar or otherwise) <3
QOTD: What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? hint *its Troye's POV!*
-anonymoose (who is not in the holiday spirit...)

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